Chapter 8

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The wolf growls, haunches raising. Its white fur is stained with fresh blood, the red looking completely out of place. The Avengers back up into the wall, slowly and discreetly pulling out weapons. "Stop!" Natasha hisses, glaring at all of them. "We can't hurt her, just... wait a little."

She steps forward, slowly walking into the room and towards the creature. Its golden eyes hold warning as it growls, baring its teeth.

The redhead crouches down to the animal's level, approaching it. "Easy, there," she hushes, holding out her hand. "It's me, Nat. Remember?"

The wolf snaps at Natasha's hand, glaring into the woman's eyes. The other Avengers tense up, huddling together and watching in the hopes that the spy won't lose a limb. Natasha draws her hand back a bit, still looking into the golden irises, resting on her knees. "It's me. It's okay, I won't hurt you. I promise. Okay? It's Nat. You can trust me, (y/n)."

The wolf freezes, realizing a familiarity about the human in front of her. But... a good one. It reaches forward, nose brushing the woman's fingertips. Its taut muscles relax as it recognizes the scent. Natasha reaches closer, hesitantly, and strokes the fur on the animal's neck. It steps forward and dips its head down and under her hand, allowing Natasha to pet its head. The creature's attention moves to the man a step in front of the group. It jumps behind Natasha, letting out a protective growl as he moves closer.

Natasha hushes the animal, stroking its fur as the man steps inside the room more and sits on the floor. "Nice doggy, nice doggy," he mutters, holding out his hand and tensing up. It warily sniffs Tony, raised fur flattening. It takes a second, but the wolf soon steps away from Natasha and walks to the man. His brown eyes admire her golden ones as the creature sits down and smells his hand.

To everyone's surprise, the wolf lies down and rests her head on his lap. Tony pets it, lightly fingering the fresh scratches with sadness.

The other Avengers move into the room, slowly, and the animal cautiously eyes each one. She lifts her head and growls when any of them get too close to Natasha, calming once she becomes familiar with them.

Natasha looks painfully at the dried blood stuck onto the wolf's pure, white, fur. She stands up, weaving in between the sleeping group silently as she walks to the window. She sits down, looking at the cityscape. Her ears perk up at the soft pitter-patter of light walking behind her. She looks over to see the wolf looking at her with a concerned look in its animal eyes.

"Yeah," Natasha whispers, "I'm okay."

She raises her hand, reassuringly petting the creature as she looks back outside, the animal curling up once more and resting its head in her lap.

And in the darkness, their figures are lit up by the glow of the bright full moon.

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