Chapter 32

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thank you so, so much 🥺.
we made it to 1k you guys.
i love y'all 3000 🖤.
Goosebumps form on my neck and arms when I re-enter the facility. I look around, seeing Happy muttering and walking in my direction. "Happy! What's wrong?" I call out, and he looks up from the screen, worry on his face. "The jet crashed."

"What?!" "The jet crashed! Come on!" he yells, and we both run to the landing pad. I jump in the passenger seat, throwing on a pair of earmuffs.

"You can fly a helicopter?" I yell over the sound of the chopper, and he ignores me. I look outside as Happy flies over the city, seeing a fire in the distance. "Over there!" Happy turns, getting closer to the ground as I flinch, worrying that we'll fan the flames. I jump out, running to the scene. Police helicopters fly over the wreckage, and I instinctively keep my head down before remembering that they don't know who I am. Noticing a body, I run over, seeing a man wrapped up in... webs? A note is stuck to him, and I crouch down to read it.

Found Flying Monster Guy
P.S. Sorry about your plane

The man stirs, and I actually look at his face, shock coursing through me. Is this Liz's dad? Peter's hardcore crush's dad is a villain? His eyes open, and I quickly wave someone over, fist clenching just in case. Armed police surround me, and I quickly step back and relax my fist, letting them do their job.


Messages to: "Weird Best Friend :)"
Did you hear about that crazy Stark jet crash on the coast??

Weird Best Friend :)
Definitely crazy. Apparently there was a guy responsible for it that they found

Yeah, they were calling him the Vulture I think

Weird Best Friend :)
Was it that Eclipse girl that stopped him?

I think it was the spider dude that you love so much

Weird Best Friend :)
*insert sarcasm*

You literally watch videos of him in class, Pete
Speaking of which, why are you answering my texts during school hours??

Weird Best Friend :)
Okay, okay
Hold on a sec

I set my phone down, feeling a little sad. God, I miss Peter so much. But before I can mope any longer, my phone starts its rhythmic vibrations, and I pick it up, a grin spreading across my face.

"Weird Best Friend :)" would like to video call.

I tap the green pick up button, standing my phone up against my pencil holder. After a few seconds, Peter's smiling face appears on the screen, hair neatly styled yet still a bit unruly. "Hey!" he says, his excitement reaching me through the speakers. "Hi! Wait, are you in a car?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows at the screen. He looks to the window next to him and then back to his camera. "Yeah."

"What about school?"

"I got a pass."

I nod my head, resting my chin on the desk as I push my chair backwards a bit. "How's moving been?" he asks, and I sigh, giving him a tired smile.

"It's... getting there. Still a bit rough settling in, but I've surprisingly met a few people considering that I'm being homeschooled again." Peter frowns a bit, and I lift my head up. "Don't worry, no one could replace you," I say, and that seems to make him feel better. "How's Midtown?" I ask, and he starts talking about how much homework he has, Flash bullying him, the horror of the homecoming dance, and Liz's dad going to jail. I fold my lips inward at this, feeling somewhat uneasy at the fact that I was there when he got arrested. "Anyway, life can be shit for me and Ned sometimes. I really wish you were here," he finishes, and I smile. "I do, too."

He covers the speaker of his phone so that the voices are muffled, and then he turns back to look at the camera. "I have to go now. Call you later?" I smile, "Yeah."

He hangs up, and I see a new text from Jackson.

Messages to: "Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)"
Jackson Hunt- the best beta out there ;)
Think you can meet up today?

Hold on, I'll check

I jog downstairs, knowing that Tony's about to go in for a big press meeting. I look up just in time to see someone part-walking, part-skipping in my direction, looking at the floor. I look past them, just in time to see a suit right before the wall closes around it. "Thank you, Mr. Stark!" the boy calls out, turning around, and my breath hitches. Freezing, I look to the boy walking towards me as he doesn't pay attention to where he's going and then back to the wall. The puzzle pieces connect in my mind, and everything starts to make sense.

Tony looks directly at me, eyes widening. "Peter," I say when he's directly in front of me, making him look up just before he runs me over. "(Y/n)! Wait, w-what are you doing-" "We need to talk," I cut him off, grabbing his arm and dragging him away.

"It's good to see you and all, but where are you taking me? And how come you're in the Avengers facility?" he asks, and I pull him into the living room. I turn to him, running my hand through my hair.

"You're Spider-Man?"

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