Chapter 64

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"You're joking."

"I'm not, I swear!"

I laugh at Peter's expression as I tell him about the many pranks I played on the Avengers as a little girl. "You're telling me," he starts, his ice cream long-forgotten, "that you stuck 'Hello Kitty' stickers on the God of Thunder's hammer and he said it was beautiful?"

I laugh and nod, licking the cone of my ice cream as a drip runs down the side. My spine tingles just as Peter pulls me to him, making sure that I don't walk into a lamp post. The action catches me off-guard, and I stumble a bit, tripping over my own feet. I quickly shift, landing on all fours and making sure I don't step in my now destroyed ice cream cone.

Peter tries to control his snickering as I growl and become human again, turning around to glaring at him as I receive a playful shrug in return. "Joke's on you," I say, smirking, "You have ice cream on your shirt."

"Aw, fuck."

He tries to wipe it off, and I spot a pair of people walking in our direction. Two girls, holding hands and caught up in conversation. I squint my eyes as we keep walking, catching the arriving scent. "Hey, Peter," I start, and he looks up, face falling as he sees her. I nudge him with my elbow, and he immediately straightens out his expression.

"Hi, guys," MJ says, looking somewhat hesitant. I smile, opening my arms up to give her a hug. "Hey, MJ! It's so good to see you, how've you been?"

"Pretty well, um, this is actually my girlfriend, Alex."

I turn to the quiet brunette, smiling and holding my hand out for her to shake, "Pleasure to meet you. I'm (y/n)." She takes my hand, clearly knowing who I am as she looks flustered, and a shy smile forms on her face and showcases the freckles on her tan cheeks. "And this," MJ says, "is Peter."

He clears his throat, "Um, Peter. Peter Parker."

"This is gonna sound kinda weird, but aren't you that guy that was on the news a few years ago?"

Peter's eyes widen, MJ starts fidgeting, and I fold my lips inward in worry. "You were one of the star students at Midtown High, right? Graduated as valedictorian and now work for Stark Industries?"

The three of us relax, and Peter nods, obviously relieved. "How long have you and MJ been together?" he asks, looking between the two.

"About half a month."

"Cool, that's, uh, that's nice."

MJ chuckles, "Yep. Anyway, it was nice running into you guys. Good luck with everything, (y/n), and congrats! I heard the news. You, too, Peter." She winks at us and walks off with Alex.

Peter's mouth hangs slightly agape, and I chuckle before tapping his shoulder. "You good?"

"What? Oh, yeah..."

He and I continue back to the facility, and Peter starts talking, thoughtfully.

"So that's why she broke up with me."

I shrug, "Guess so."

"But why wouldn't she just tell me?"

I look over to see hurt reflected across his face, and I sigh. "It's not a trust issue, if that's what you're wondering," I state, making him close his mouth. "She was just... unsure. Society nowadays is hard to live in when you constantly feel singled out. She didn't know if she should've gone with her relationship with you or if she should've followed her heart. She chose the latter, and she's happy. That's all that matters."

Peter lifts an arm to wrap around me, looking down at me as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah. It is."

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