Chapter 23

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"Berlin? Really?" I ask Tony as he paces. He nods, too caught up in his thoughts to reply. "When is it going to be?" I ask again, and Tony just gestures to Nat. "Two weeks," she answers, and I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

"Can I go?"

Tony and Natasha both snap their heads to me, mirrored looks on their faces. "Absolutely not," they say in sync, and I groan, slumping in my seat. "Why not? Nat's been training me, and she says I'm really good. Plus, you saw me fight before this whole Accords thing started. I can handle it. And it's Germany! Tell me that's not awesome." "It's not just that, (y/n)," Nat starts.

"The thing is, if you come with us, if you fight, you'll be going against the people that you've grown up around. And you know that none of them want to hurt you. But they will if they have to. And not only will you get hurt, you'll be hurting every, single, Avenger because you're far too precious to all of us, and we don't want to lose you."

"But-" "The answer is no, (y/n), and that's final," Tony says, harshly. Nat gives me a sympathetic look, and I groan, standing up and walking to my room. I flop onto my bed, landing on my back. I rest my hands behind my head and stare at my ceiling, just contemplating everything. I close my eyes, letting out a tired sigh as I sit up, about to turn and lay on my pillow when my phone vibrates on the desk across from my bed. I stand and walk over to it, a small smile gracing my lips when I read the texts from Peter and Ned.

Messages to: "Nerds"
Peter Parker :)
You guys wanna come over and watch a movie?
Ned Leeds :P
Peter Parker :)
Wbu, (y/n)?

I run to my door, sticking my head out and yelling, "CAN I GO TO MY FRIEND'S PLACE?"

A mix of responses come from people in the facility:


"YOU GUYS ARE SUCH CHILDREN!" I shout, laughing at the retorts:


"JUST GO TO WHEREVER YOU'RE GOING AND LET ME WORK IN PEACE AND QUIET, THANK YOU VERY MUCH," Tony exclaims in annoyance, and I head back into my room, chuckling.

Messages to: "Nerds"
I'll be there!

I hit send and go to Peter's contact, tapping the 'call' button. The line rings twice, and Peter picks up, sounding a bit out of breath. "Hey, (y/n)!"

I frown, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just, uh, carrying groceries up seven flights of stairs. Yeah..." I furrow my eyebrows as Peter's voice trails off, and I shrug, trying not to make too much of it. "Okay, well, I kind of need your address." I hear a weird shuffling come from the other end, and curiosity fills me.

"My address... uh, yeah, I forgot that you don't know it! It's, uh, it's... 20 Ingram Street, Forest Hills, Queens, New York."

I chuckle at the last bit, shaking my head slightly. "I know you live in Queens, Pete." "Huh? Oh, yeah, pfft! Right. I knew that. I mean, I knew that you knew. And you obviously know- oof!" My eyes widen in concern at the sound of something thudding. "Peter? Peter are you okay?" A moment of silence passes before his voice comes back on the line, "Yeah, yeah, it's just that this, uh, box I'm holding is just, uh, really heavy."

I bite my bottom lip as I tilt my head. "I thought you were taking the groceries in," I state, confusion lacing my voice. "Uhhhh, yeah! I am, it's just that we got the groceries in boxes. You know, save the environment by using less plastic and stuff!"

I sigh, shaking my head as a half-smile forms on my face at my best friend's silliness, "Whatever you say, Pete."

"I'll see you soon!" I say, slightly breathless. I can practically hear a smile in her voice as she responds, "See ya."

I tap the hang up button, sighing and checking my door once again to make sure it's closed. Note to self: don't take off the Spider-Man suit while on the phone. Bad idea. Rubbing the sore spot on my head, I wince a bit and lean down, picking up the crappy sweatsuit from the floor of my room. I throw it into my dirty clothes' hamper, covering it with my Midtown sweater.

I grab a pair of jeans and a science pun T-shirt, pulling them on and hopping to the bathroom as I zip up the pants. I quickly comb my hair, splashing some water on my face and drying it so I'm not all sweaty and gross from earlier. Nodding in approval, I clean up my room quickly and run down to the living room while pulling on a sweater, sliding on the hardwood floor and coming to a stop in front of May.

"Hey, is it okay if I have some friends over?" She looks up from her laptop, furrowing her eyebrows. "How many and who are they?"

"Just two, and it's Ned and (y/n)," I answer, bouncing on the balls of my feet. "(Y/n)? The new girl you told me about?" I nod, and she gasps, starting to gush a bit.

"Peter you're friends with a girl! I'm so proud of you! And you're inviting her over with Ned! Are you two close?" I roll my eyes at her suggestive tone and sigh.

"Yes, I'm friends with a girl. Ned is, too. The three of us are pretty much best friends. Nothing more," I finish, and May frowns, jokingly, and squints her eyes, tilting her head.

"We're just friends!" I exclaim, and she laughs, holding her hands up. "Okay, okay! Am I to assume that you've already invited them over?" I nod, and she shakes her head a bit. "Peter, you need to ask me first." "I know, and I'm sorry. Is it okay if they come, though?" She nods, eyes suddenly widening.

"I won't have to cook, will I?" I laugh, shaking my head, "Order pizza?"

She snaps her fingers, pointing to me, "Good idea. My nephew is so smart!" She ruffles my hair and I bat her hands away, laughing as I speak. "I just did my hair, May!" "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," she responds with a smile, and I chuckle, heading back to the bathroom to fix my hair.

I look at my phone and back up to the door. Yep, this is the right apartment number. Taking a deep breath, I raise my hand and knock, a pretty brunette woman answering soon after. "Oh, I'm sorry, I must have gotten the wrong apartment, I can-" "(Y/n)!" Peter calls out, interrupting me. I look around the woman, a smile forming on my face as I wave. "You must be Peter's aunt," I say, looking back to her, and she nods, kindly stepping out of the way and opening the door wider for me to enter. I step inside, thanking her, and she brushes it off with a smile.

"Welcome. Peter's told me quite a bit about you," she says, and I laugh, slightly throwing my head back. "All good things, I hope," I say, and she nods her head. Peter walks up to us, giving me a quick hug, and I pull away to see Ned. "Nedddddddd!" I exclaim, jokingly. "(Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnn)!" he returns, and I hug him, laughing.

"What's new since I saw you... yesterday?"

Ned starts to ramble as my ears pick up May saying, "She's quite pretty, Peter." "May!" he hisses, and I hold back a chuckle. Peter comes up to me and Ned, pulling us to what I assume is his room.

"So!" Peter says, clapping his hands together.

"'Star Wars'?"

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