Chapter 24

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i wrote the title incorrectly at first 🙄
"Bye, Ned," I say, giving him a hug. He and Peter do their handshake, and he waves to May before leaving the apartment. "So," Peter starts as we walk back to his room, "when do you think you'll be leaving?" I shrug, shaking my head, "I have no clue. My, um, guardian will probably text me."

"Guardian?" I look over to him, seeing empathy written all over his face. He knows what it's like. "Yeah. My parents died when I was a baby, so... I'm living with what is kind of a foster family." He nods, giving me a sad smile. "I get it. It's just been me and May for a while." I wrap my arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a small side hug as I can tell he's feeling down. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out, seeing a new text across the screen.

Messages to: "Grumpy Hogan :D"
Grumpy Hogan :D
I'm here.

"And that's my cue to leave," I say, standing up. "Here, I'll walk you outside." I chuckle at his offer, and we head out of the apartment, talking a little as we go down the many stairs. Peter looks around in confusion since there isn't a car in close vicinity. "Where are they?"

"He dropped me off about a block or two away. He's probably waiting there, I'll just walk." Peter looks at me, making sure it's all right, and I nod, indicating that I'll be fine. "Are you sure?" he asks, and I smile at his concern. "Don't worry, Pete. I'll text you when I'm in the car, okay?" He sighs and nods. However, the worried look only worsens when his gaze moves down to my bare arms, uncovered since I'm wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt. "Here," he says, pulling his blue sweater over his head, despite my protests. "Please take it. I don't want you getting cold."

My heart flutters at his sweetness, and he hands it out to me. I take it, putting it on and enjoying the warmth that the thick material gives me. Sweater paws and all, I pull my hair out from the sweater, letting it blow a bit in the cool air. "Thanks, Pete." He looks me up and down, grinning, "You look so cute!"

I laugh, lightly pushing his elbow and giving him a hug, standing on my tiptoes a bit. "Thanks for inviting me over," I say, resting my chin on his shoulder as I wrap my arms around his waist, my forearms resting on his back so my hands are at his shoulders. "Thanks for coming over," he responds, and I pull away, my arms dropping to my side. He grabs my shoulders, pulling back so that he's looking down into my eyes.

"You better text me so I know you're safe, okay?" he asks, firmly, and I chuckle. "I will." He pulls me into another quick hug, and I smile at the warmth of his embrace. I pull away and smile, waving as I turn around. "Don't forget!" he yells from behind me, and I laugh, turning around to walk backwards to yell, "Bye!" From this distance, I see him smile, and I turn around, making sure I'm going in the correct direction. And then I come to a halt.

I turn around on my heel, my head hanging as my cheeks heat up. I look up a bit to see Peter's furrowed eyebrows. "I went the wrong way," I say, and Peter bursts into laughter. I chuckle while passing by him, shaking my head and walking in what I now know is the right direction. "Bye for real!" I call out, walking backwards again, and Peter waves, still in a fit of laughter.

Luckily, I reach the car, and I open the door to see a slightly annoyed Happy at the wheel. "I went the wrong direction," I say, and he sighs, trying to hide a smile. I close the door, putting on my seatbelt and letting out a relieved sigh at the car's heat. I pull out my phone, smiling a bit at the fact that Peter texted me less than twenty seconds ago and has started to spam my messages.

Messages to: "Peter Parker :)"
Peter Parker :)
Don't forget to text me
Are you in the car?
You said you'd text me
You better not forget
(Y/n) I'm pretty sure you've walked a block, are you okay?
Unless you're just really slow

Dude, chill out lmao
And yes, I'm in the car, I just got in

Peter Parker :)
Took you long enough

Hey :(

Peter Parker :)
I'm kidding!
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
I didn't mean it, I swear

It's fine lol

Peter Parker :)
Okay, I was worried for a sec

But make fun of my speed any other time and you're dead meat

Peter Parker :)
I said I was sorry!!!


Peter Parker :)

You're so gullible lmao

Peter Parker :)

Aww, I'm sorry
Are we good?

Peter Parker :)
I'm changing your contact to "My Mean Best Friend"

Pls don't
I'm sorry

Peter Parker :)
Jk lol

Thank goodness

Peter Parker :)
And to answer your question, yeah, we're good


Peter Parker :)
I'll see you at school in a few days, right?

Do you want me to bring your sweater?

Peter Parker :)
Nah, you can keep it

You sure?

Peter Parker :)
You look absolutely adorable in it
So I don't mind

Thx :)

Peter Parker :)
Of course

I turn my phone off, blushing a bit. I chuckle, softly, and look out the window, resting my head on the cool glass. I bring my sweater-clad hand up to support my head, and I inhale, Peter's scent surrounding me. I know that it's weird, but for some reason, it makes me smile.

"Hey, where'd you get that sweater from?" Happy asks, looking in the rearview mirror. "Oh, uh, Peter gave it to me," I say, biting the inside of my cheek in preparation of what I know is coming.

"A boy? Why'd he give it to you?"

"Because it's cold out."

"You sure? No other reason?"

"Happy!" I say, chuckling, making him smile. "Okay, okay." I shake my head a bit, looking out the window for the rest of the ride back to the facility. When I walk inside, I say a quick 'hello' to Natasha, Pepper, and Tony, alerting them of my presence. I go to grab a glass of water, and Nat looks up and tilts her head, tapping Tony and Pepper's shoulders and whispering something to them. They both look up, and Tony furrows his eyebrows when he sees me, whilst Pepper just grins. I see the three of them glancing from me to each other, frantically whispering back and forth.

"What?" I ask, confused and slightly annoyed. They all look up, different expressions portrayed on their faces.

"Whose sweater is that?" Tony asks, a hint of protectiveness in his tone.

"Is it a boy's?" Nat's voice is laced with excitement, Pepper showing the same giddiness on her face.

"It is a boy's," Happy says, walking in.

I groan and put my head in my hands, knowing that I'm about to be bombarded with questions.

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