Chapter 20

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a decent length for a chapter, finally!! also, thx for 300 reads 🖤
"We have run into a problem, I repeat, we have run into a problem!"

I jump up from my seat as Tony bursts into my room. "What's wrong?" Tony rests his hands on his knees, panting slightly. He holds up a hand, indicating for me to give him a second, and he continues to breathe heavily. He straightens up, still out of breath, and holds up his phone.

"I don't know what to put for your surname." I roll my eyes, plopping back down on my chair.

"Really, Tony?" Nat asks as she walks into my room, obviously having heard the commotion. She pats my shoulder before sitting on my bed, "If you didn't know by your five years here, Tony can be overdramatic sometimes." I chuckle at the joke before spinning my chair around in a 360, stopping it so I'm facing Tony again. "What do you want, (y/n)?"

I raise my eyebrows, making sure he's being serious. "I get to pick?" He nods, "Yeah, it'll be easier for you to remember, too." I glance at Natasha, and she shrugs. I bite my bottom lip, thinking for a bit before shrugging as well. "What about Romanoff?"

Tony smiles softly at my suggestion, "I'll put you down as Rushman." I see Nat smiling from the corner of my eye, and she looks to be on the verge of tears. Tony starts mumbling as he exits my room, and I go over to my bed, giving Nat a hug. She sniffles a bit and pulls away, "You really meant it before, didn't you?" I nod, and her smile grows wider.

"Well, just so you know," she starts, "I do think of you as a daughter."

"Shut up," I say to my blaring alarm, slamming my hand on it. I'm surprised I don't break it with the extra strength in my half-wolf genes, but honestly, I wouldn't be upset if I did. Sighing, I sit up in bed, looking at the time. 6:00 AM. Isn't that great.

I throw the covers off of my legs, sliding out of bed and dragging my feet to the bathroom. I pull my clothes on, groaning, and continue to get ready, pausing after I wash and dry my face. I lean forward, looking at my reflection in the mirror. On my cheekbone is a scar from one of the nights I shifted without control. It extends from the corner of my eye to where if you drew a line across the bridge of my nose, it would hit the end. It's not huge, about an inch long, but it's pretty noticeable, the pale-- nearly white-- coloration standing out against my skin.

On any other day before, I wouldn't care about it, but now? I can't help but wonder what will happen if it's seen. I know, I know.

You should just leave it be; No one's going to care about a small scar; If you don't care otherwise, then why make a big deal out of it?; People can be dumb, if they make fun of you, they make fun of you. What's the difference? Just don't let it get to you.

And what do I do?

I pull my hair back in a loose half-up, leaving a curled section on the right side of my face. Covering the mark.

I step back, double-checking my outfit. A simple, loose, quarter-sleeved black top with a criss-cross of fabric on the neckline, pale, washed-out blue jeans, and navy blue Converse with light grey socks. Nodding in approval, I take my black backpack from its spot next to my guitar and keyboard and head down to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. "Ready for your first day?" Tony asks me, and I shrug, taking a bite. "As ready as I'll ever be."

I pull out my training bottle from the fridge and slide it in my backpack's side pocket. "Happy's gonna take you, and he's waiting and ready when you want to head out. Which you probably should," he finishes, looking at the time. I sigh, giving him a quick hug as I throw away my half-eaten apple, "Bye!" I call out from the front door, and he waves. I jump down the steps, starting to jog to the car, not wanting to keep Happy waiting. And it has to be the limo. Just as my hand's on the door handle, I hear my name, and I turn around. I smile as Nat runs to me, giving me a hug. "You didn't think you'd just go off to school without saying goodbye, did you?" she jokes, and I laugh, hugging her back. "Bye," I say, pretending to be annoyed. She lightly hits my shoulder, and I chuckle, turning around and getting in the car.

Happy starts driving, and I make small talk with him, something that he typically doesn't like with other people. But since he knows me well and likes me, I'm the exception. "Hey, Happy?" I ask as I see the school in the distance. "Yeah?" "Can you just drop me off here? I don't really want to pull up in a limo, you know?" He nods and pulls over, saying goodbye to me as I step out, grabbing my backpack.

I shut the door and he speeds off almost immediately, but not before rolling down the window and yelling out a, "Have a nice day!" I shake my head, laughing softly as I start walking to the school.

Just as I pass the brick sign that says 'Midtown Tech' in large letters, my stomach drops. "Crap," I mutter, looking up at the huge building that's teeming with students. Thousands of scents attack my nose, confusing my brain and giving me a headache. And I'm still far away.

'Here goes nothing.'

I start moving closer, making my head pound like crazy. I take a deep breath, trying to focus on one scent out of all of them, and it seems to help. Everything else dulls as I follow it, leading me inside the building. The trail strengthens, and I take one more inconspicuous sniff, walking inside more and maneuvering around people in the crowded halls.

I finally reach the person I've been tracking, taking a deep breath before approaching them. It's a boy who looks to be my age, putting things in his locker as people shove by him, seeming to purposefully push him from behind. Sympathy fills me as I stop beside them. "Excuse me?" I ask, voice quiet as I tap their shoulder. They turn around, brown curls bouncing and chestnut eyes seeming downcast. I mean, it's understandable.

"Hi. I'm new here and I was just wondering if you could show me to the principal's office, please? I've never been to a public school and I'm just feeling kind of lost and overwhelmed," I say, giving him a small smile.

His eyes light up as he smiles, empathy reflecting in his gaze. "O-oh, um, yeah. Yeah, of course! I totally get what it's like. Come on, I'll show you around." He gestures with his head, starting to walk once I move to his side. "So, what made you decide to come to Midtown?" he asks, turning his head to face me, and I tell him a take on the truth. "I've been homeschooled my whole life and thought it was time for a change." He nods as we turn the corner and starts pointing out the classrooms. "That's the art room right there, if you're taking the art elective, I am so sorry. Miss Adams can be really mean." I chuckle, shaking my head, "I'm taking music." His smile widens, and he points out the music room, "It's pretty cool, but the instruments could be better. I'm in marching band, so trust me. But Mr. Ross is pretty relaxed. Are you doing instrumental and voice or just one?"

We continue to make conversation as he points out everything along the way. "Oh, my gosh," I say, face-palming, "I just realized that I am an idiot." He furrows his eyebrows, looking over to me, "What do you mean?" I laugh, shaking my head, "I totally forgot to tell you my name."

"Guess I'm an idiot, then."

We both stop walking and laugh, and I take a deep breath, pulling myself together. "Okay," I start, holding out my hand, "Hi. I'm (y/n)."

He takes my hand, eyes dancing.

"Peter. Peter Parker."

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