Chapter 10

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All I have ever known for the entirety of my life has been growing up in orphanages. The longest I ever stayed in one of them was for the first four years of my life, which was the one where I was dropped off at a doorstep. Since then, I've lived in very many different "homes for parentless and/or troubled children". I was moved out of vicinities, cities, and eventually states because I couldn't be kept for some reason. The mystery presented itself to me when I had to leave the very first orphanage in... Vermont, I believe it was.

I never knew why I had to go. I was always a good child; I followed rules, did chores at an incredibly young age, never forgot my manners, and was always liked by my caretaker. Until one night, she decided to kick me out. And I never knew why. But I will always remember the day it happened.

The marks on my floor confused me the most, considering I had never seen them before. Maybe something just... scratched it multiple times, bringing up splinters of wood. I didn't know. But then, I was told by my caretaker that I had to leave. She had packed my belongings and I was supposed to scram immediately. The other kids-- children younger than me to teenagers-- poked their heads out of their rooms and filled the hall with questions. Had I gotten adopted? Was there no more space? Did I decide to move out because another orphan was coming along? Anything but the truth. Which I didn't even know. But I was just a little kid. I couldn't do anything about it. So I left, the image of my caretaker's face burned into my memories.

The look in her eyes, to be specific.

Because on the outside, she kept a calm face. However, if one looked closer, her smooth skin was a few shades paler than usual, her bottom lip quivering the slightest bit.

But a person's eyes hold more emotion than a face ever could.

And by looking into hers, I knew one thing.

She was absolutely stone-cold terrified.

Of me.

"Every few months, I would be kicked out. And the reasons became a little clearer each time. With each full moon, I remember just a little bit more than I did before. Most of it is just the actual shifting. But I seem to have a less wild nature each time, and I can recall some of what happened the night before. I still don't really know why this is happening to me, but I also don't know if I can control it or not."

I pause, looking down at my hands as my lips start to quiver.

"And, um... if you guys, well... you know, decide that you don't want me here anymore... that's okay."

Sounds of protest and concern from everyone else immediately fills my ears, causing me to flinch slightly. Someone crouches down at my feet, and I look up only slightly to see Nat's smiling face in front of mine. "We would never send you away, okay? I wouldn't allow it." That last sentence warms me from the inside, and I jump up and wrap my arms around her. Nat pulls back after a little while and gives me a look of determination, placing her hands on my shoulders. "We're going to do anything we can to help you, okay? Right, guys?" She looks back to the others, and I peep around her to see them all nodding in agreement.

"I do have one question, though," Nat states, looking meaningfully at my cuts and scabs. "I don't know why I always do that. I think I'm trying to stop myself from becoming all... 'wolfy,' but I still change," I answer, twiddling my thumbs. At that, her eyes widen. "Always? You mean you hurt yourself every time?" I nod, slowly, as a few tears come to my eyes. "I just don't know what to do," I choke out, my throat tight. "Aw, sweetie, it's okay, alright? Come here."

Nat hugs me and I cling to her shirt, sobbing. She rubs my back as I sniffle, my tears soaking the fabric. One by one, I feel the others come and join the two of us, enveloping me in a group hug.

A huge, warm, circle surrounding me from all sides.

Protecting me.

Letting me know that I'm safe.

That I'm going to be okay.

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