Chapter 19

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happy pride month!! also, with everything that's been happening, i hope y'all have been staying safe
I wipe the sweat from my forehead as I walk into the kitchen, exhausted from my training. Nat reaches into the fridge and pulls out a water bottle, handing it to me. The condensation almost makes it slip from my tired hands, and I flash her a grateful smile. I nearly chug the whole thing, only coming up for air when I've come close to finishing the bottle. Nat raises her eyebrows in surprise, "That rough, huh?"

"Yeah," I pant, finishing the water and refilling the bottle, placing it back in the fridge. "I'm gonna go freshen up," I tell her, still out of breath. "Oh, (y/n)," Nat starts, and I hum in response. "I found your guitar and put it back in your room. Don't forget it next time."

Now, something must be wrong with my brain, as I couldn't filter the next words that come out of my mouth. Maybe my training made my mind turn to Jell-o. Maybe I just don't know what I'm saying and need to go to bed. Maybe I could be sick or something.


Maybe it's the truth.

"Thanks, Mom."

My eyes widen as I freeze in place. "Um..." I turn around, slowly, my heel squeaking slightly on the polished floor. But as I meet eyes with Nat, I see that it probably wasn't a huge mistake. The look on her face says everything to assure me that the truth isn't so bad after all. She remains silent, and I speak up. "Yeah..." I say, turning around, "I'll catch you later."

I quickly walk away, heat rising to my cheeks.

Along with a smile.

I stay still and unmoving as (y/n) walks away, tears welling up in my eyes. Pepper walks into the kitchen, a concerned look passing over her face when she sees me. "Are you okay?"

I inhale, shakily, and turn to her, a smile gracing my lips.

"She called me 'Mom'," I tell her, earning a soft squeal and a hug. I chuckle as I hug her back, a tear slipping down my cheek. "Don't cry!" Pepper exclaims, and I laugh, wiping it away.

"So, (y/n), I think it's time I enrolled you in a school."

I nearly choke at Tony's words. "What? Why?" He shrugs, "It'll be good for you to learn in an environment with other people." "But that's literally-" "Your age," Tony cuts me off. I sigh, grumbling as I play with my food. "Isn't my homeschooling enough? I'm pretty sure that what you've been teaching me far exceeds the highschool curriculum," I point out. Tony sighs, taking a sip of his coffee.

"You're right. I'm not sending you there to learn," I mentally cheer, "I'm sending you there so that you can have human interaction outside of the facility. You've been cooped up here for five years; I think it's time we change that." I groan, putting my head on the table. "You'll thank me later." I glare at him, resting my chin on the table as I squint my eyes. But he's got his focus on his fancy, high-tech, phone-thing that I'm not even sure is a phone.

"Your first day is tomorrow. You can go with Nat and Pepper today to get your supplies." "But it's literally the middle of the school year! I'm gonna so obviously be the new kid!" Tony pats my shoulder as he stands up, "Kid, it'll be like that, no matter what day it is, at a public school."

I groan again.

"You're sending me to a public school? Come on, it's gonna be horrible! Bigger building, more people, and a really bad education system. Not to mention my senses are gonna go crazy."

Tony gives me an apologetic smile, patting my shoulder again.

"Don't worry, kid. I'm sending you to one of the better ones."

He continues doing the enrollment work, and I see the name of the school in backwards letters through the clear screen.

Midtown School of Science and Technology.

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