Chapter 14

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I didn't post on Wednesday bc I had to take my AP exam. And can I just say: fuck you College Board 🖕🏼
⚠️ brief mention of suicide ⚠️
I look down at the sheet of paper, (y/n)'s words echoing in my thoughts. 'You should just let it out. Don't hold it in for too long.'

She's ready.

It's time.

I find Natasha and tell her what I'm about to do. She nods, inhaling sharply and assuring me that she'll be nearby if necessary. Heart pounding, I knock on the door of (y/n)'s room, getting a "Come in," in response. I open the door and she looks up from her book, bookmarking it and turning to face me when she sees me. "Tony," she greets, smiling, "What can I do for you?" I smile at her joking attitude and mentally try to convince myself that everything will work out.

"(Y/n)," I start, walking over to her, "I think it's time I told you something." Her smile falls, slightly, and she furrows her eyebrows when she sees the paper in my hand. "Okay..." her voice trails off as she indicates for me to continue. "So, do you remember the night we found out what you are?" I ask, trying to slowly approach the topic. (Y/n) nods, waiting for me to keep going.

"Well, I later ran a little background check, you know, to see if I could find out why everything that happens to you... happens." Her eyes squint, facial features holding a hint of anger. "I found some stuff about your family," I start, hesitant still as she looks to be somewhat infuriated. "And please know that I didn't want to stress you out or anything, but...."
I hand over the very same paper I gave to Natasha four years ago, looking at the floor. Minutes of quiet pass by, and I look up to gauge her reaction. Her knuckles turn white as she clutches the sheet, and I can swear a vein is popping in her neck. The crinkling of the paper breaks the silence, and (y/n) hands ball up, the sheet being clutched in her now-tightened fist.

"You kept this from me," she starts, voice low and a near-growl, "for FOUR YEARS?!"

Her head snaps up, her angry gaze meeting mine as I take a step back. "I didn't think it was the right time," I say in my defense. "It's my family, Tony, I have a right to know! No matter how messed up it is; you should have told me!"

My eyes widen at the sight of hers. Instead of the usual (y/e/c), her irises are glowing a bright gold. "(Y/n)," I start, hesitantly stepping closer, "please, just... listen to me." "Why on earth should I listen to you?"

"Because you're out of control right now. Your- what's his name?... your Remus Lupin is showing, and I think you need to hear me out." At this, (y/n) relaxes, still angry, but muscles looser and eyes dimming.

"Look, I didn't tell you because you were only nine at the time. You were scared and still didn't trust anyone too much. I wanted to tell you after you knew you were safe. After you felt that you were able to tell us anything without being judged or punished for it. I just wanted to make sure you knew that we'd stick by you, no matter what. Nat and I are the only ones who know, and we still want you to stay. In fact, we want you here even more because you are not your father. We want to help you. We want to do anything we can so you can figure out this side of yourself. But in order to do that, you had to be stable. Knowing this back then would have burdened you, and as a child, this knowledge would only affect your already weak mental state. After the orphanages, you needed recovery time, and that can take a while. A long while. Please don't hate me for telling you all this now."

I fiddle with my feet as I stare down at them, waiting for her response. "Why? Why did he have to leave me like that?" I look back to (y/n) to see tears in her eyes. "I... I had no one, he left me an orphan. On purpose. Why did he do it, Tony?"

I shake my head and step over to her, allowing her to fall into my arms. I envelop her in a hug, letting her cry into my chest.

But the answer's simple.

The night he took that handful of pills was the night after he unknowingly and uncontrollably killed her mother.

And one can only make a guess as to why he sent his daughter into the foster system.

Because he didn't want to hurt her, too.

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