Chapter 26

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this story went from 505 reads to 600 in less than a day; what the actual fuck <3
"Spider-Man saves the day again," I mutter, looking at the headlines on my phone as I walk down the school hallways. "He's so cool," Ned gushes, obviously fangirl-... fanboying? "Y-yeah, he's pretty awesome," Peter stutters, looking uncomfortable. "Isn't he really cool, (y/n)?" Ned asks, sounding like he's in love with the hero. I shrug, stopping at my locker and turning my combination as the boys wait for me, standing next to me.

"I think he's a little overrated," I state, shrugging, "I mean, he's got to be incredibly smart to be able to manufacture a synthetic web that actually has the same tensile strength as a spider's, if not more, and I respect that. But the thing is, he's practically a vigilante who's only been around for what? Six months? Give it some time, and I might like him more, but who knows? He could just vanish whenever and Queens would be in chaos because their new 'friendly neighborhood superhero' decided to become a 'friendly neighborhood runaway'."

I slam my locker door shut, smiling at the boys before starting to walk to the parking lot. I hear them jogging behind me, and I slow my pace a bit. "But what about-" "Hey, Penis Parker!" Flash interrupts Ned, strutting up and stopping in front of me. "What do you want, Eugene?" I ask as Peter and Ned stay silent. They've endured his tormenting long enough. "Penis over here needs to remember to do my homework. Including the essay," he says, looking around me to see Peter staring at his shoes.

"I'll do it, okay, Flash?" Peter mumbles, and I step in front of him. "No, he won't," I say, looking Flash in the eye. At this point, a small crowd has formed a circle around us four. "You should be able to do it yourself, right? After all, you're on the decathlon team. Or did you just make it by being a lying, cheating, credit-stealing, jerk?"

An 'ooh' ripples through the crowd, and Flash fumes, a muscle in his jaw twitching. I motion for Peter and Ned to move back, seeing that he's ticked off, and they comply without a word. I see Flash's fists tightening, and I raise my eyebrow, egging him on. "Listen here, princess," he hisses, and I scoff, smirking as he continues, "I don't think you want to make a scene, alright? So let me get to that little wimp named Penis Parker, and we can just go our separate ways."

I cross my arms, tilting my head. "I'm not the one making a scene here, so I think you just called yourself... a princess, Flash," I say, laughter coming from everyone. "Forget your tiara?" I mock, the crowd all shaming Flash, who starts looking more angry and embarrassed with each second. "But not only that, I don't think you're that bright. Because his name... is Peter," I say, glaring. I can see him grinding his teeth as the vein in his neck starts visibly pulsing, and he starts to take a step forward.

"I don't think you want to do that," I say, and he scoffs, rolling his eyes, his foot landing on the ground. "Because one, Principal Morita is right around that corner, and two..." I watch as he takes another step, inhaling sharply, "there's a pencil right there."

Flash's eyes widen as he loses his footing, arms flailing wildly as he falls backwards. I quickly jump backwards as his legs nearly come into contact with mine, noticing the mechanical pencil lifting off from the ground from being kicked upwards. As it reaches its highest point in its arc and starts to fall, I reach out and grab it, stuffing it in my pocket and stepping in between Peter and another student as Principal Morita starts walking toward the crowd.

He pushes through, and a girl with dark skin and curly brown hair whispers something in his ear. He nods, walking over to Flash, who is still laying on the ground. "Mr. Thompson," the principal says, sternly, "we need to have a talk about proper behaviour on campus." He continues to reprimand him as he drags Flash to the office, the crowd starting to disperse. I make eye contact with the student and flash her a grateful smile, getting a slight nod in return. She's in some of my classes, always silent and buried in a book. Michelle, I think her name is.

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