Chapter 39

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"Are you sure? You know that you don't have to fight if you don't want to," I tell Jackson for quite possibly the eighteenth time. He chuckles, stepping forward and taking my hands in his. "It's my job to be by your side, no matter what. Besides, I'm not going to just let you throw yourself into possible danger without me being there."

I smile as he leans down to lightly kiss my forehead, "Okay."

We both head to the training room, and I go to the boxing ring. "I hope you know that I used to fight crime back in Queens, so you can back out now and keep your dignity," I joke, making him laugh as he enters the square. "Well then, I guess you have a challenge." I raise an eyebrow, smirking, "And where did you learn to fight?" Jackson shrugs, getting into a beginning stance, "How do you think I was chosen as alpha when you weren't here?"

I lift my hands, bouncing on the balls of my feet, "Well, let's see what you've got." Jackson smirks at my taunt, stepping forward and sending a jab to my stomach. I quickly block it, pushing his arm to the side and looping my own around to trap his at my hip. I lean forward a bit, our faces only inches apart, "Not bad, but still..."

I spin, using his stance to my advantage as I sweep his legs out from underneath him, making him fall down to the mat with a thud. "Plant your feet, widen your stance, and bend your front leg more if you're in that situation. It's harder to take you down when you have a good base," I critique, leaning over and offering my hand to help him up.

Jackson sighs, smiling, and takes it, pulling himself up.

I duck, sidestepping underneath Jackson's outstretched arm and standing up behind him. I send a kick to his ribcage, getting caught off-guard as he spins around, using my lack of balance to his advantage. He knocks my leg to the side, the momentum making me tilt in the same direction. He quickly moves my other leg from beneath me, and I fall backwards as he pins my shoulder to the mat, forearm resting above my neck.

I pat the mat twice, and Jackson stands, chest heaving as he helps me back up. "Good. That was a good strategy," I tell him, stepping out of the ring and walking to my bag to grab a water bottle, Jackson following suit.

Just as I take a swig of water, I hear my phone vibrate in my bag, and I pull it out, furrowing my eyebrows at the message from Bruce.

Messages to: "Bill Nye the Science Guy"
Bill Nye the Science Guy
You might wanna stop training and come over here. Right now would be ideal.

Without wasting a second, I leave the training room and run to where Bruce told me he'd be, Jackson right behind me. I slow to a jog as I see him and Rhodey talking to people.

"Hey, you told me it was urgent, what's..."

My voice trails off as one of the women turn around, her short, white hair throwing me off for a second.



I run to her, tears of joy forming as I give her a hug. "Oh, my god," she whispers, her arms tightening around me. She pulls away, keeping her hands on my shoulders. "You've grown," she says, softly.

I chuckle, hugging her again, "I missed you."

"What about us?" I pull out of the hug to see Wanda, Sam, and Steve smiling. I embrace the three of them as well, my worry from before fading away a little.

Steve explains a few things before noticing that I didn't come alone. "Who's this?" Steve asks, voice suddenly deeper and more intimidating as he and Sam look behind me to see Jackson. He steps up to Steve, and I turn to Nat and Wanda who are silently gushing. "Stop," I whisper, smiling, as Nat wiggles her eyebrows, suggestively. I bite my lip and look at my feet, blushing.

Wanda lets out a soft squeal, and Nat looks Jackson up and down, nodding at me in approval. I chuckle, my blush deepening as Jackson stands beside me, his arm wrapping around my waist. Nat and Wanda give pointed glances to each other, and I roll my eyes, leaning into him.

"Anyway," I start, getting everyone's attention back to the situation at hand, "what's going on with the stone?"

We discuss what to do for a while before deciding on going to what I previously thought was a third-world country. "Are you sure that they'll have the proper tech in order to remove it? What if it screws up and we lose Vision completely?" I ask, Wanda clutching Vision's hand tighter at the suggestion.

"Trust me on this one," Steve says, and I sigh. "Okay."

I put my gun in the holster on my leg, sliding an extra barrel full of bullets in my belt. Jackson paces in front of me, running his hand through his hair. "I really don't think that this is a good idea, (y/n). Please let me go with you." I shake my head, walking over to him and holding his hands. "Jackson, I need you here, okay? You need to keep the pack safe, and I'm counting on you to defend the facility. Please."

"I'm going with you."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"Jackson. No."

"(Y/n), I'm not letting you go alone."

"I won't be alone!"

"I'm going, too."

"Don't make me do this," I say, eyes stinging, "Please, I swear to god, please don't make me do this."

Jackson looks down into my eyes, determination written all over his face. "You're not leaving without me."

I sigh, looking down at my feet for a second before tilting my head back up. My eyes glow gold for the briefest second as I take a deep breath.

"As your alpha, I am telling you to stay here and stay with the pack. As my beta, you are to keep them safe and do my job when I am away."

I pull my hands away from his, stepping back and shaking my head. "Dammit," I mutter, keeping my eyes trained on the floor. I can hear Jackson sigh in defeat behind me, and I grab my knives, sliding them into the sheaths on my belt.

Just as I take another step to the door, Jackson grabs my wrist, gently turning me around to face him. He cups my cheek, pain in his eyes as he rests his forehead against mine. "I need you to be safe, okay? I need that," he says, and I pull my head back, looking up to meet his eyes.

"I promise."

He smiles a bit, leaning down to plant a light kiss on my lips before enveloping me in a nearly bone-crushing, but still gentle, hug. I wrap my arms around his neck as he buries his face into my shoulder. He takes a deep breath before letting go, and I grasp his hands tightly before flashing a quick smile at him and turning away.

I jog to the Quinjet once I get on the landing pad, buckling up as I prepare for takeoff.

"To Wakanda."

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