Chapter 17

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sooo i really don't remember if i posted on wednesday but it's 12 am on friday so here's this bc i just wanna be safe lol. enjoy :)
I close my eyes, inhaling as I shake out my arms at my sides. After calming my heartbeat, I open my eyes, starting to sprint around the training room. A foot away from the first hurdle, I let out a sharp exhale and jump, shifting the second my feet begin to leave the ground.

My muscles become more taut as I land in my wolf form, continuing to run. Senses sharpening, I prepare to jump right as my focus moves to the next hurdle, this one an inch taller than the last. Instinct tells me to jump from farther back, and I follow it, pushing off the floor and leaping over the wood, the fur on my belly brushing against it, slightly. I continue until I get to the highest hurdle, this one about two feet taller than my wolf form. I jump, shifting right after I clear it, my human feet touching the floor. I shake my head slightly, panting and resting my hands on my knees. My ears perk up at the sound of soft clapping, and I turn to the doorway.

Tony leans against the doorframe, a soft smile on his face. Natasha stands behind him, pride radiating out from her expression. "Good job, kid," Tony says, stepping forward and patting my shoulder, pulling me along towards the door. "You've definitely come far in just a year," Nat states, and I nod, giving her a tired smile. "It's almost as though I can shift just by willing it to happen. And it doesn't even hurt! It seems to be becoming second nature now."

Tony raises his eyebrows in surprise, draping his arm over my shoulders as we continue to walk, "And you're only fourteen at that. That's amazing." I chuckle, slightly embarrassed. Checking my watch, my eyes widen at the time. "Whoa, it's late. I'm just gonna head to bed," I say, pulling away and giving Nat a hug. I move to hug Tony, but he steps back, raising his hands to his chest. "No. You're sweaty, ew." I laugh at his tone and step forward, holding my arms out, making him shake his head. I give him my best attempt at puppy eyes, seeing the struggle on his face until he gives in, "Whatever." "Yes!" I whisper in triumph as Tony gives me a tight hug. "Night, kid."

I head to my room, going straight to the shower and turning the water on to let it heat up. I glance at myself in the mirror, doing a double take when I see my reflection. 'What the hell?' I shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut. When I open them again, I sigh in relief. "Weird," I mutter, stepping into the shower. But no matter what, that moment just keeps nagging at me. Like there's just a tiny stone in my stomach, and I can feel the weight of it... but I can't get it out. "Stupid gut feelings."

I sigh, braiding my damp hair, the window on the opposite end of my room constantly grabbing my attention. When I turn to go to bed, my eyes keep drifting towards the window, the gut feeling in my stomach worsening. Tentatively, I step towards it, putting my hand on the cool glass. I gasp, stumbling a bit when I see the sky. I look down at my arms, legs, and all around my room. I turn back to the window, still shaken when something outside of the tower catches my eye.

A flash of something, moving away from the tower and blending into the darkness of the city before I can focus on it. Slowly, the feeling in my stomach goes away, and I shake my head. Stepping back from the window, I look at my reflection, just double checking, as the sky behind blurs slightly. I chuckle in disbelief as I spin on my heel, walking to my bed and crawling under the blankets. I stare at the lamp on my nightstand, mentally making a note to replace the lightbulb.

But I can't tear my eyes away.

Laying down, I have a clear view of the glass bulb underneath the lampshade, the weak current of electricity making the light flicker. I sigh, reaching over and switching the lamp off.

I turn over, unable to stop thinking about the light. It tugs at my thoughts, making me uneasy.

That pulsating, golden, glow.

I try to shake it from my mind as I look outside the window from my bed.

Just staring.

Gazing at the full moon.

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