Chapter 6

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My dumbass forgot to post again, sorry lol

I wake up to light filling my room, freezing when I see my surroundings. Where am I? What is this place? Why is there a microscope on the desk? Am I being tested on, what is- oh. Right. I let out a sigh, yesterday's events coming back to me. Shaking my head, I sit up, throwing my legs over the side of my bed and stretching my still-weak limbs. My eyes wander around the room and rest on a note on the bedside table.

Hey, (y/n)!

Hope you slept well. I just wanted to let you know that Pepper and I went out yesterday and got you a little surprise. Go ahead and check your closet!

Nat :)

Okay.... I furrow my eyebrows and stand up, walking over to the doors on one end of the room. I pull them open, gasping and in absolute shock. I step into the huge-- I mean, HUGE-- walk-in closet, running my hand along the many different clothes hung up inside. Tears start to well up in my eyes as I think about Nat and Pepper.

Never before has someone gone to such an extent to make me feel at home. I wipe my cheeks and sniffle, my smile growing even wider. I spin in a full three-sixty, taking in everything.

"Why are you two so smiley?"

I look up to see Steve resting his elbows on the table with Bruce, Clint, Pepper, and Rhodey focusing on me and Tony with questions in their eyes. We share a glance, looking back at them. "No reason," Tony and I say in unison.

Just that minute, (y/n) comes down to the kitchen, smiling brightly. I give her a small wave and she walks over to me, giving me a tiny hug. "Thank you," she whispers, looking at Pepper with her arms wrapped around me. I return her hug, and she pulls away, saying a quiet, "Good morning" to the other Avengers.

Everyone except Tony nods in understanding, mouthing quiet 'oh's, going back to their coffee and bagels. "I like your shirt," Steve points out.
(Y/n) looks down and hides her face in my stomach, seeming slightly embarrassed.

Everyone chuckles, softly, and I pat her back, making her look up. "Hey, I mean it. It's a nice shirt." She looks at Steve and gives him a small smile, relaxing.

"So," Bruce starts, grabbing (y/n)'s attention, "Tony and I were wondering-"

"If you would like for us to show you the lab? We'd love to give you a tour-"

"Considering how much you love science."

(Y/n) glances back and forth between Tony and Bruce as they finish each other's sentences. I laugh at the two of them as (y/n) nods. "Yeah, I'd love that."

The three of them stand up, and Tony outstretches his hand, making Bruce look at him, quizzically. With less hesitation than last time, (y/n) reaches out and grabs it, Tony's smile growing and Bruce's eyebrows shooting upward. He shakes his head and walks with them, joining in on Tony's excited chatter.

The second they turn the corner, Rhodey slaps his thigh and flips his hand over, holding it out to Clint. "Booh-yah!"

I furrow my eyebrows, Pepper and I sharing a look of confusion. Clint sighs, pulling out a dollar bill from his pocket and placing it in Rhodey's outstretched palm.

My jaw drops as Pepper glares at the two boys.

"Really?" she asks, condescendingly. "Wait, what was the bet even on?" I ask, Pepper giving me a small glare. Clint slumps his shoulders, sinking down onto the couch. "Whether she would trust Tony or Bruce first," he grumbles.

I scoff, shaking my head and softly slapping Rhodey upside the head. "Why would you bet on a little girl?" I ask, harshly, but cracking a small smile when I look at his and Clint's embarrassed faces.

Rhodey shrugs and looks at me with a sheepish smile.

"I wanted a dollar."

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