Chapter 7: Innocent mistake

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Third Person's POV

Lisa and Jennie still feels the awkwardness between them even after days. But they still bicker from time to time. It is their way to lessen the awkwardness. It helps them a little but both of them still avoids some of each other's stares.

Anda calls everyone for a meeting and Lisa is nowhere to be found. Again. And so is Jennie.


"OH shit~ .." Lisa gazes down as she strokes and gripped the girl's hair while moving her hips harshly and deeply.

Her phone keeps on vibrating but she's too busy to answer. She puffed her vape and blows the smoke on the girl's face.

She gripped the girl's hair tighter and moves aggressively. She pants heavily. Her head bent backwards and then looked at the girl again.

"Use your hands.. use it. Yes! Fuck!"

She leans both of her hands on the bed while the girl keeps on giving her blowjobs until the door yanked open.


Her eyes widen and immediately grabbed the pillow to cover her side and lifted her left leg to cover the girl. She coughed really hard because she just puffed her vape again.

"Don't you know how to knock!? FFS!!"

"I'm sorry!"

Jennie immediately got out of the room while covering her eyes again.

"This is fucking frustrating!"

Lisa stopped the girl and pushed her a little. She pulled her boxers and pants up and looks at the girl.

"I think, we're done for tonight."

"What? We haven't started yet."

"I know.. I'm sorry. Here."

Lisa gave the girl some money and then grabbed her things. She went out of the motel and saw Jennie waiting outside.

"Why are you here?" Lisa asked. Jennie can smell cherry from her.

"A-Anda called me. S-She told me we have a meeting. She a-asked me to look for you and g-gave me coordinates."

Lisa just closed her eyes. She can't believe her sister just tracked her phone down again.

"Why you?"

"I-I was o-out too. So, I j-just followed her and went here. I'm really sorry. I d-didn't mean to b-barg— Next time, knock first. Doors are made for knocking too."

"I-I'm really so— Forget it."

Lisa opened the car door after Jennie unlocked it. She didn't use any vehicle and Jennie did. So, she assumed that Jennie will be driving them back.

Jennie settled on the driver's seat. She glances at Lisa. She really felt embarrassed when she saw what's happening inside. She didn't mean it but she thought that Anda sounded so urgent that's why she didn't actually think about what she just did.

The ride was silent. Except Lisa's sighs in frustration. She keeps on stroking her hair and fixing her seat. She feels something is in pain since she didn't have the chance to come off. She just massages her head and tries to look calm.

Jennie just keep on closing her eyes every time she noticed Lisa's movements. She's not actually looking at her but the sounds of the chair inside the car bothers her and she can see Lisa's movements on her peripheral. She just heaves a breath and continued driving.

After few minutes, they arrived. Lisa immediately opened the door and walks. Didn't even wait for Jennie. The girl just sighed and walks inside also.

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