Chapter 17: Love is

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Third Person's POV

"Can you do it gently?"

"I'm on it. The heck is wrong with you.."

"I should've let Jennie do this.."

"She's out with Anda unnie. Duh!"

"You really like touching me, don't you, Mermaid.."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"And where's Deer or Beta? They should be doing this instead of you.."

"They are out too. Obviously."

"Busy stealing again? Aigooo.."

"Well.. Python unnie is with them. I don't know what they're doing actually." Chaeyoung said as she grabbed the tape.

"How dare you touch my girlfriend?!"

They looked behind them and saw Jennie approaching.

"She insisted on it."

"The fuck.. you asked me to, Catnip! Shut the hell up!" Chaeyoung muttered as she finished changing Lisa's gauzes on her stomach.

She survived. Wendy, Seulgi and Sowon did everything they could to bring Lisa back. Jennie insisted on bringing her to the hospital and they let her. With Anda's help.

The wounds on her legs are already healed because they were grazes from the bullet. Her stomach got hit badly. But it wasn't a fatal one that's why she recovered. Jennie really never wanted to kill her. But her anger controlled her and fired the gun. But she knew where to shoot and she did.

The girls had a hard time forgiving her. Until Lisa woke up and told them everything. She begged them to still accept her. Even blackmailed Anda that if she didn't, both of Jennie and her will be out of their gang. Anda felt scared because she only got Lisa and afraid of losing her, so she accepted.

"How did it go with your parents?"

"She cried as she confessed everything. She even made me cry. But.. all is good." Anda mumbled and hits Jennie's back and jogged her way to her office.

"Why does it have to be on that position.." Jennie muttered.

Lisa frowned and looked at Chaeyoung. The girl is sitting on a swivel chair while Lisa leans her butt on a table.

"What?" Lisa mumbled while frowning to Jennie.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go." Jennie replied and pulled Lisa away from Chaeyoung.

Lisa looked at her confused and shrugged to Chaeyoung while pointing at Jennie, pulling her.

The moment they got inside their room, Jennie's arms slowly fall off Lisa's arm. She becomes quiet and serious again. Lisa looks at her. Jennie just sighed and puts her bag on the side. She gazes at Lisa.

"Uhh.. rest for a while. Did she clean your wound thoroughly? I'm sorry I wasn't able to do it today. But I'll do it tomorrow." Jennie mumbled.


I know everything is hard for her. I don't even know if she loves me. She has never verbalized it even after what happened. But her actions give me warmth and comfort. I don't care if she's not ready yet.. to say it back. But I'm willing to wait. I love her. And I never regret admitting that to her in that situation.

I'm still scared, to be honest. Though I saw hesitations in her eyes, but she still shot me. I'm still scared but I still want to be with her. I still want to see her. I know I'm so selfish for asking her to stay even after what happened without considering her feelings.

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