Chapter 44: The Plan

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Third Person's POV

Few days have passed, they keep on planning on how they execute their plan. Currently, Lisa is sitting on the couch inside Jennie's room at Daesung's restaurant. She texted Jennie to pick her up since the cars were all in used by the girls before she go to work this morning.

Lisa keeps on sighing and rubbing her nape, thinking of the plan. It is gonna be so big. She hopes that KPD will cooperate. But she knows, all of them knows, that it has a low probability of success but still want to try. Plus, Daesung scolded her from not focusing on her job these days. She sighed again. That's another thing that makes her so stress these days.

Until the door swung open. Jennie saw her and sighed deeply while closing the door.

"No.. no.. I'm having the worst day ever. You can't be like that." she said as she dropped herself beside Lisa.

"Why? What happened?" Lisa asks, still massaging her nape.

"Earlier today, I met Taehyung and Jung- Oh your fiancé.." Lisa cuts her.

"Stop saying that.." Jennie knitted her brows. Lisa just hissed. Jennie holds her arm and pulled her closer then rests her head on Lisa's shoulder.

"Hm? You met them, what happened?" Lisa asks again.

"Well.. they told me, Taehyung's parents is coming. And they asked for my parents' cooperation to search for us. I don't know what they're currently planning but we have to be careful."

Lisa rubs her face with both of her hands after hearing it.

"We haven't even started with the Bulgarians and now that. Hays. My head is aching thinking about all of these." Lisa mutters and exhales deeply, almost drained her lungs.

"What happened to you, btw? We can't be so stress at the same time, babe.." Jennie chuckles while caressing Lisa's chest.

Lisa just sighed again.

"Daesung oppa got upset a while ago and scolded me. It's my fault tho. I wasn't focused on job. Something's just really occupying my mind these days. Hays."

"What is it?" Jennie looks at her. Lisa looked back at her. She stared at her for couple of seconds and shakes her head.

"The plan. And I am so tired right now." Lisa replied breathily and sighed again. Jennie sighed with her as she averted her gaze.

"Yeah.. it is stressing. I don't really know if we're going to succeed with that."

"Well.. the chief isn't so clean after all. That's one step ahead tho. We can use it against him. I'm gonna talk to them, Jen."

"What are you going to do? You can't just barge inside the station and confront him like.. 'Hey. I know something about your dirty works.. here's the thing..' something like that." Jennie scowled at her as she pulled herself from Lisa's shoulder and glared at her.

"That's not my plan. I'm not that stupid, squirt."

Jennie gasped while arching her brows to Lisa. The girl just chuckled tiredly. Jennie raised a brow to her and suddenly straddles on Lisa. The girl holds on to her sides and caressed it. Jennie leans closer while staring at her and gripping her shoulders. She closed her eyes when she felt Lisa's hand caressing her tummy and then slowly unbuttons her blouse. She cups Lisa's cheeks and pressed her lips on the girl's.

"I m-missed you.." she mumbles softly between their lips.

"Not as much as I missed you.. I bet."

Jennie chuckles and shakes her head.

"You have our son to lighten up your day.. I was alone here." Lisa mumbles while caressing Jennie's arms and entangled their fingers.

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