Chapter 35: Crack the codes

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Third Person's POV

And then Jennie left. Lisa closed the door of her room and leaned on it. Her body slides down and she buried her face on her knees while hugging them close to her chest. Then she cried again.

During those days, Jennie never once failed to call Lisa. The girl feels light every time she calls. Jennie calls before she sleeps and early in the morning. Lisa felt the joy of hearing her girlfriend's voice. She feels more excited every time Jennie would face time her. Sometimes, Sooyeon joins them in face time and both of them feels glad.

Not until after a month.

Jennie, being so busy with their business abroad, she barely held her phone but files and pen. Press conference here and there. Papers signing to officially change the owner of their businesses. When she reached her condo unit, her body drops on her bed because of tiredness, headache and sometimes, sickness.

Lisa's been waiting for her call but it seldom happens. From being so often, consistent calling, it becomes dull and seldom. Every time her phone rings when she's out, she immediately takes it out but just sighed seeing different caller IDs.

From seldom calls to lost the communication completely. What Lisa scared the most.

Two months have passed and she hasn't gotten a single call from Jennie again. She felt sad and worried at the same time. The last call they had was two weeks ago and that time, they face time. Lisa noticed Jennie's getting thinner and would leave her hanging for couple of minutes, running to the bathroom and goes back while massaging her head, ended up.. calling it a night and Lisa insisted for her to rest. Her heart aches when she didn't see the necklace she gave to Jennie on her neck. That's the first time every time she calls.

Another month has passed, Jennie was supposed to come back. Like Jennie promised her. She waited.

And waited.

And waited.

A total of six months have passed, she waited for any news, but even the girls got nothing.

Lisa is losing her hope. She tried calling her but nothing. And then her heart shutters when she saw the news, with the girls.

Jennie got engaged.


3 Months ago

"Dad, I told you.. I don't want this! This is not included to what we've talked about!" Jennie yelled.

"I told you why, Jen! At first, I was okay with Lisa! I know you have something! But I digged in to her past, Jen! I can't believe you let an enemy into your life!"

"She has nothing to do with them, dad! I told you, I knew it even before you did!"

"Yes! And you didn't say a single thing to us!"

"Because you'd act like this if I did! I know you'll despise her because of what happened to us! But dad, she didn't know she's a Persian, not until she turned 24! And her father's already dead! Even her mother!"

"I don't care! They deserved to die! All of them, Jennie Kim!"

Her mother is just quiet beside them, listening to their argument.

"But still, I can't accept this! And if you.. if any of you touches Lisa!! I swear to God, you'll see worse! You'll see what I can do before I knew that you two are both alive!" Jennie yelled.

"We won't hurt Lisa, Jen. But we can't let you continue what you have with her. You have to end it once and for all."

Jennie looked at her mother in disbelief.

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