Chapter 5: Daredevils

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Third Person's POV

A.I. is walking in the lobby to approach the computer when she noticed some movements from the boxes under the stairs. She felt suspicious and walks slowly towards it. She silently holds a carton and abruptly pulled it.

"Catnip! What the hell!"

"Yah.. I'm still sleepy.." Lisa mumbles while scratching on her neck.

"Why are you sleeping there? And dude, it's already morning!"

Lisa opened her eyes and got up.

"Why are you there?"

"She locked the door and won't open it." Lisa sighed and sleepily walks to the sink and washed her face. She grabbed some paper towels and dried her face. She walks to the brewer and about to make some coffee.

"Oh. I will go out and buy us some good coffees, we deserve it after last night." Eagle said.

"Americano~ " Hedgehog raised her hand.

"Same!" A.I. said so too.

The others did too.

"Oh? Persian, how about you? Coffee?"

"I'll just make mine here." Jennie answered.

"Okay. How about you, Catnip?"

Lisa just raised her cup and sips on her coffee. Someone pushed her a little that spilt her coffee. Her hand hurts because of the hotness.

"Ahh! What the.."

"What?" Jennie glared at her and angrily pressed the brewer.

"Are you still going on with that kiss? Was that really your first? I doubt it."

"Shut the fuck up! It was! And you stole it last night! I hope that cake really gets on with your stomach."

"It didn't.. so.." Lisa muttered and leaned her butt on the table. Jennie pushed her again just when she's about to sip her coffee. Lisa closed her eyes and winced while covering her mouth.

"You're a fucking disaster, you know that!"

"Yes! So what!? I'd pour that coffee on your face if you didn't get out of here!!"

"Geez." Lisa shook her head and walked away from Jennie.

"The stolen first kiss and the guilty one. Hays. What a story." A.I. mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up, Kim Jisoo!"

"Heol!" A.I. looked at Jennie with wide eyes when she mentioned her full name.

"Turtle Rabbit is my middle name. Might as well add that up, Kim Jennie-ssi." A.I. teased her more.

Jennie points a gun to her and fired.

"AHW!! What the hell!?"

"That's my airsoft gun, unnie." Lisa mumbled and looked at A.I.'s temple. She chuckled while the girl rubs it.

"She's a sharp shooter. She really did hit your temple precisely." Chopper mumbled.

"She really did." A.I. muttered and focused on her computer game after rubbing her temple.

"Girls, meeting. Is everyone present?"

"Eagle went out, Anda unnie." Hedgehog replied.

"Is she alone?"

"Yeah.. I think so. Oh.. Monkey is with her."

"We'll wait for them. Get up here when they arrived."

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