Chapter 10: Persian

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I was ready to sleep when this girl talks again. I just ignored her and covered my head with the blanket. But she pulled it.

"You're on my side!"

"I told you to get up."


I got up and sat. But I saw her holding an ice pack. I just shook my head and laid again.


"Stop feeling so guilty. It's okay." I told her but I'm facing my couch.

"But I hate feeling this way. So just let me do this."

I just ignored her and closed my eyes again.

"Please. It's melting."

"Who told you to get that?"

"No one. But I did. So please.. I hate begging, Lisa. So.. just cooperate. Just this time."

I looked at her and she just showed me the pack. Her face is serious but calm. Tsk. Fine.

I got up and about to grab the pack but she moved it away.

"What? I can do it." I said.

"I'll do it."

"No, thanks."

I was about to go back but she gripped my shirt tight and pulled me. I almost lost my balance and holds her wrist tight. She just continuously pulling me and we sat on the floor, still the tape dividing us apart. She was about to pull my shirt, that's why I stopped her and glared at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Take your shirt off. It will get wet."

"Who cares."

"Just do it! My ghad.."

I just stayed sitting and didn't move.

"I'll rip your clothes off if you don't take it off."


Why does she has to sound so scary.. I really hate her.

"There. Happy?"



She suddenly pressed the ice pack on my back that's why I screamed. My head even bent down because of the pain.

Third Person's POV

Lisa winced as she feels the cold on her back. Jennie's busy pressing it on her bruise while unconsciously holding Lisa's side. She just feels Lisa's panting while gripping her shirt tight.

"If you just told me sooner, it wouldn't be this painful."

"Why would I do that— AH! Stop doing that!" Lisa yelled when Jennie pressed it again.

"We could've let Wendy unnie checked it."

Lisa just hissed. She got stiffen when she felt Jennie's hand on her back.

"S-Stop touching me."

"Stop dreaming. The ice is melting."

"Use this to wipe it off. Not with your hand." Lisa mutters and gave Jennie her shirt. Jennie just hissed but then grabbed her shirt and wiped her back.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. It doesn't sounds so sincere." Lisa gazes at her back.

"I didn't do it on purpose, you know that."

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