Chapter 46: Chapel

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Third Person's POV

Lisa sat second row of the long wooden chairs in front of the big statue of a man in cross. Anda sat beside her and looked at her, who's staring at Him. She heaves a breath and exhales while removing her cap and mask. They're the only ones inside the chapel in the hospital.

"How did it go, Lis? Did you do it?"

"No, unnie. Haven't got the chance."

"What happened?"

Lisa rubs her face with both of her hands and breathes slowly before answering.

"She was coming at me, crying. Telling me Sunwoo is in hospital. When we got here, we've met Taehyung's and told us  his parents and Jennie's, apparently, asked their men to ambush his house and now, my son is lying there unconscious." Lisa said while fidgeting her nails.

"Maybe.. it is for the goodness of all that you.. didn't have the chance to propose to her."

Lisa looked at Anda. The older is looking at her anxiously then averted it.

"Your son's life.. his innocent life is in danger because of the Kims."


"I know, Lisa. But it's the Kims. Worse could happen if they saw you and Sunwoo, again. I'm doubting her now."

Lisa averted her gaze to her fingers again. She gulped and sighed.

"She didn't want this to happen too. She has nothing to do with this, unnie."

"I know. I know how much she loves you and your son. But imagine, Lisa. How could we fight against them, thinking that she's with us? I mean.. is she willing to kill her family just for us? For you? Sunwoo? What if she sold you out to her family in return of them, not touching Sunwoo?"

"I would do that too if I were her."

Anda scoffed and shook her head.

"And let yourself killed? No way. I'm not gonna let that happen, Lisa."

"There's no other way for them to not ruin my son's life."

"I don't know why we're talking about this in here. He's giving me goosebumps." Anda nods to the front, to the statue in particular. Lisa chuckles.

"Unnie, do you believe in Him?"

"I lost my faith ever since that tragedy happened to my family. You know I've worked for the Persians too, right? But as a servant. Then they killed my parents. That moment, I curse them all my life and thought about nothing but revenge."

"Even years after, they were after you, right? A cop saw you killing one and then you ran away. One kill after another continues. That moment on, you became Anda, top 1 most wanted. Have you forgetten being Won Minji again, unnie?" Lisa looks at her.

"That name.. yeah.. I was still her every time I look at you when you were young.. and Sooyeon.. and Sunwoo."

"Innocence. Then I learned how to steal. HAHA!"

"I didn't teach you that. And hopefully, none of the two kids learn that too. Aigooo.. But seriously, what are your plans now?"

Lisa sighed again.

"I don't know. All I could ever think right now is to find those people who did this to my son."

"So, you're going after the Kims? That's your plan?"

"I don't even know what to do, unnie. It hurts me.. seeing him, lying there.. with bandages on his arm."

"All are lives, we live with this anger in our hearts. Living like fugitives— You are fugitives." Lisa chuckled.

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