Chapter 37: Can't take the ache

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Third Person's POV

"So.. that's what happened. The marriage didn't happen because it got cancelled the moment Taehyung and Jungkook ran away." Jennie said.

"They really despise me, don't they? Your parents." Lisa mumbles and drinks again.

She's been drinking since and the girls noticed she's drunk already.

"It wasn't easy for you." she mumbled again and turned to Jennie.

"But it was so hard for me too." Lisa took a deep breath and glanced at Jennie's finger.

"The marriage didn't happen but you're still wearing that engagement ring."

"What?" Jennie scowled and touches the ring on her finger.

"You even removed the necklace I gave you on our 100th day, Jen. Tell me.. was there really nothing between you two? Is that child really mine?"

"Lisa, you're drunk." Wendy muttered.

"I'm fine." Lisa glared at her.

Everything went back to her. She's not fine. She never was. She's happy seeing Jennie right now but she started to doubt herself all of a sudden. She started to feel the anger she felt before. The pain, her longing.. how much she waited for Jennie for years. And the alcohol triggered her too. Thankfully, Sun Woo and Sooyeon are sleeping already.

"Let's call it a night, Lisa-yah.." Anda mumbles and gripped Lisa's arm to help her stand up.

"Unnie.. I'm happy to see her. But she came back here like nothing happened and a child is with her. I don't know if that boy's really mine."

"Enough now. Let's go."

"Unnie.. wait." Lisa pulled her arm from Anda's gripped and turned to Jennie.

"Why? Jen.. why are you here?"

"Unnie, I'll send her to her room." Jennie said and ignored her question.

"Answer me! Jennie Kim!"

"I already told you. Stop yelling at me."


Jennie gritted her teeth and hits Lisa's shoulder.

"I came back because of you! Because you deserve to meet Sun Woo too! Do you think, after what happened, I still have the face to show you?! I regret what happened, Lisa! That's why it took me years to finally decide to come back! After all the mess that has happened back in New Zealand! Probably still happening! But every time I look at Sun Woo, all I could think about is you.. that one day, you'll meet him too! I don't care if you can't accept me back but believe it or not, he is your son!" Jennie yelled and wiped her tears.

"Aigoo.. enough already. You two should rest."

"Unnie.. why is she like this?! I know everything is my fault but my son doesn't deserve this! If she can't accept us, then I'll just go back to New Zealand!"

Jennie then ran her way upstairs and gets inside the room where Sun Woo is sleeping. Lisa's room. Then she cries silently.

"Lisa-yah.. he is your son. Jennie showed us the papers. Lisa-yah.. at least think of how much sacrifices she did to raise your son alone. To come back here to see you. Jennie had gone through a lot and most probably still going through a lot. Her parents is her enemy now and they're looking for you. All three of you. I don't even know if you're safe here but I still want to make sure of that. But Lisa-yah.. she came back for you." Anda elaborated calmly.

"U-Unnie.. a-all of you. I k-know.. y-you called her b-before. I h-heard it. I k-knew about the codes you sent her. I k-knew that e-everyday she had a chance, s-she'd call a-any of you."

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