Chapter 43: Fresh start

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Third Person's POV

"It's because you oldies left everything here and it's a mess. I can't help but to clean and saw the thing. I heard you have to scan it and I did." The little girl scowled at them.

The girls bursted out laughing.

"Wait. How did you know how it works?" Lisa asked while frowning in disbelief.

"I've seen Jisoo unnie and Python unnie do it before few times, so.. I just did what they do. I didn't know it would work."

"It doesn't matter tho." Anda said but chuckled while looking at the girl.

"I'm more bothered when she called us oldies." Jennie laughed.

"Yeah.." Sowon laughed while pointing to Jennie.

"Hey! Don't touch anything here again, Sooyeon-ah!" Lisa scowled.

"Yah.." Jennie nudges her. Lisa looked at her with knitted brows but turned to Sooyeon again.

"Yah! You heard me? Don't do it again!"

"Lisa-yah.. it's fine." Wendy said.

"No, it's not. Sung Sooyeon!"

"Okay. Chill." The little girl says.

"Chill.. Tss."

"What is wrong with you.." Seulgi mumbles.

"Just.. don't let her touch your things again. I don't want her to do that."

"Why?" Sinb asks.

"I have my reasons." Lisa replied coldly and eats again.

"She doesn't want me to know what you're doing. Tss. But I know everything already." Sooyeon said and glared at Lisa.

"Yah! Shut up!" Lisa scowled at her again.

"Stop.." Jennie wrapped her arm on Lisa's waist and caressed her side.

"Unnie.. look at this." Python said. Anda immediately turned to her and Python browses the files.

"So, KPD's having trouble apprehending these Bulgarians?" Anda utters.

"Looks like it." A.I. said.

Lisa glanced at them and walks closer. She leaned on the screen and reads too.

"Hm? They're even asking for help from other international authorities. Tss." Lisa mutters. Something then popped up in her head.

"Unnie, can we talk?" Lisa turned to Anda.

"Hm? Okay. But we'll do it here. In front of the others." Anda said and raised her brow to Lisa. Lisa looked at her intently and looked at the other girls. Anda knows she's planning something again.

"Okay. But.. without them." Lisa replied and pointed to the kids.

"Sooyeon-ah.. mind bringing Sunwoo with you in your room. Please.." Jennie said as she approached the two.

Sooyeon closed her book and followed. She holds Sunwoo's wrist and they walked inside the room.

The girls then focused on Lisa.

"This may sound crazy but I think, with this article, we can make a deal with KPD."

"Hm? Lisa-yah.. KPD? Are you serious?" Seulgi chuckles while massaging her nape.

"Yes." Lisa shortly replied.

"Since.. they're struggling on apprehending this big syndicate, maybe if making a deal with them would help us here. Uhm.. help you more." Lisa said and points to each of them.

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