Chapter 40: Playful maturity

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Third Person's POV

It was a night of typing codes, hacking, busy giving and taking calls from their trusties. Anda looks so worried and frustrated at the same time. She keeps on yelling and scolding the girls unconsciously out of frustration.

"Chopper, you secured some of our important things right?"

"Yes, leadernim. I asked for Grasshopper's help."

"Good. Python, look for a possible place we could stay. Just like our safe house. Make a list and I will choose. Everything, okay?"

"Got it, leadernim."

They asked Diana if they could use her computer and the girl let them.

"Uhh.. Monkey, Eagle, GX, Catnip, we're going back to the safe house tomorrow morning."

"Unnie?" Lisa looks at Anda.

"Isn't it dangerous to go back there yet?" she asks after.

"We live in danger, Catnip." Anda said and unconsciously glanced at Sunwoo when Lisa looked at him.

"I'm sorry. It's just.. you know.. maybe we could find something back there. The air strike hits Mermaid's room, right?"

"Yeah.. hays. Fortunately, I wasn't there when it happened." Mermaid sighed.

"We will figure this out. I'm gonna fucking track those bastards and let them pay for this." Anda gripped the chair tight while gritting her teeth in anger.

"Haish!" She scowled and hit the table.

"Unnie, relax." Lisa said and holds her arm. She pulled Anda on the couch and let her sit.

"We will figure this out. Promise." Lisa said while nodding at her sister.



I'm sending Sunwoo to sleep and waiting for Lisa to get inside this room. She said, she and Diana have something to do again to search for the Manobans. I wonder what's keeping them really busy. She was out two hours ago and hasn't comeback yet.

I made sure Sunwoo is sleeping peacefully before I went out of the room. I walk down the hall and reached the corridors of the second floor. I saw them laughing and giggling together when suddenly, Diana pulled Lisa by the nape and their faces are close with each other. I averted my gaze from them.

I ran back to the room and laid back with Sunwoo. I covered my mouth because I can't help but to cry. I can't blame her. I was gone for too long. I broke my promise and came back with a child. Her son. She said she still loves me, but.. I think, she just said that because of him. I don't know if she really still has those feelings for me.


I immediately wiped my tears when he hugged me. Luckily, he's still asleep. I hugged him back and pecked on his head. I stared at my beautiful boy. He really looks like Lisa. His eyes are big and round. The color are like hers. Hazelnut eyes. His nose and lips. Hays.

It's true. At first, I've never wanted a kid. Aside from I'm not good with them, I really think, I won't be able to give him a life with what I am right now. I thought of coming back here so that he would know Lisa before he understand everything. And Lisa has the right to know him too. I admit, I was scared of the thought of Lisa seeing me again. More scared of the thought that she already has someone else.. and I guess, she does. I had second thoughts of showing myself to her again after what I did, but Sunwoo.. every time I look at him, he only reminds me of Lisa. So, I took the courage and faced it.

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