Chapter 23: Brave

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I just wanted to see the house. I kinda miss it. And my parents too. I hope the house is still intact. I mean, I hope everything is still there. Hays. I suddenly felt nervous about this. After all these years, here I am, driving back to my hometown. Never thought one of this days I'd be doing this.

I really wanted to move on after what happened. I did everything I could to avenge my family. Hopefully, I won't breakdown if I see everything in our house.

After an hour, I stopped in front of the big gate we have. I grabbed the keys. I saw how rusty the chain locks on our gates. How time changes everything in the place. Dried leaves around. This fountain in front of our house looks muddy and green. Not like the time I remember.

I stared at our house for a couple of seconds and then heave a breath and inserted the key of our main door.

As expected, the government preserved this place. Covers the furnitures and everything. Still dusty. I walked around and thought of going to my room. The tiles are broken though but still looks nice.

I twisted the doorknob and went in. Gosh! My room still looks the same. My closet, my vanity.. how come they didn't sell this mansion even after years. Hays.

I walked downstairs again and tries the kitchen. I noticed a cup, no.. two cups on the table. Now, this is suspicious. I approached closer and noticed a half-empty cups of tea.

"No shit. This is still warm." I mumbled while frowning.

Then I heard something from outside. I slowly sneaked a knife from the kitchen and slowly approach the noise. Just when I'm getting closer, voices get louder.

I dropped the knife when I saw who. My chest started to pant and my eyes started to get blurry but I tried to regain my balance. I covered my mouth and they turned to me.


"Jennie?! Ohmygosh! Is that really you?!"

They were about to approach me but I stepped back.

"Y-You're alive? Jen?"

"D-Do you remember us? We thou— Y-You were dead. I s-saw t-them.. k-killed both of you.. m-mom.. d-dad.."

"W-We— "

Before they could speak again, I ran my way out of the house.

"Jen! Wait!"

I heard their voices calling me. What the fuck? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating? W-Why... h-how.. t-they're a-alive all this time??

It looks so real.

I drive my way away from our house. I d-don't understand. All... e-everything I d-did...

Then everything went blurry because of my tears. I can't help but to cry. So hard. I don't know what to do. Everything I did was useless. I-I've killed s-so many people.. I-I've turned to this.. p-psychopath.. k-killing non-stop for r-revenge.. that I s-shouldn't h-have done in the first place??

I turned to that corner again and drives until I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"My life is full of shits too."

It hurst so much...


Third Person's POV

"She hasn't come back yet, unnie. And it's raining hard right now. What if they locked her up!? The sun came down already! What if— Stop. She can handle herself, Catnip." Anda cuts Lisa.

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