Chapter 9: The egg

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Third Person's POV

"Run!" Lisa scowled and pushed back Eunbin inside the leader's room. She immediately locked the door.

"Unnie!" Eunbin whines and hides behind her.

"Shhh.." Lisa smiled at her sheepishly.

"You don't know what to do, unnie.."

Lisa looked at her in disbelief. Eunbin just shook her head while pouting.

"Just.. hold this. Aish!" Lisa muttered and gave Eunbin the suitcase.

Lisa loaded her gun and points it towards the door. Then someone kicked it hard. She fired the gun and hits the man's forehead. Another went in and fired again. Eunbin pulled her gun and they went out of the room.

"Python! I'm on the second floor! Throw me the egg!"

They heard through their in-ear.

Lisa and Eunbin stopped when they saw some guards running towards them. Lisa pulled the younger and hides. Eunbin looks at Lisa and shook her head. Lisa gasped when Eunbin walks out and showed herself.


"Uh.. sir, I'm kinda lost. Can you help me please?" Eunbin mumbled to one man while pouting.

The man looked at the other guards while approaching Eunbin. Four men. Eunbin hides her gun behind her. Lisa closed her eyes.

"Beta, Chopper."

"We're outside. There's a window— Shit!"

"Hi.. you're lost?"

"Yes, sir." Eunbin answered.

"Okay. Just.. take that stairs and go down." the man said.

Eunbin nodded and walks. The man yelled when he saw Eunbin's gun. The girl spins and kicks the man's hand. She fired on the other, spins and kicked the other one. Then finished them with bullets on their chest.

"You are so fucking awesome, our baby girl!"

Eunbin just giggled to Lisa and ran with her. They saw the girls, still throwing and catching the egg. Lisa saw Jennie running and saw some guys about to approach her.

"GX, bring this. And Beta and Chopper are outside. Be careful." Lisa said as she gave the suitcase to Eunbin.

"Ne, unnie. Take care." Eunbin immediately ran downstairs.

Lisa ran to the opposite, fired couple of rounds and met Jennie. She saw a guard carrying a grenade launcher pointing to them, that's why she immediately pulled Jennie to dodge it. She pulled her inside a room and then got out to the other door. They found another door and went inside.

"How many doors are there in this house.. gosh!" Lisa mumbled.

She got surprised when Jennie pulled her wrist from her grip and looked at her. Jennie's looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.


"Why are you getting on my way?"

"What? Getting on your way? There are men chasing us. You're getting out of way a while ago. I just helped you!"

"Do I look like I fucking need your help?"


Then someone kicked the door. Jennie fired her gun and killed the man. She saw another one and killed him too. She looked at Lisa again.

"Think twice." she muttered and gets out of the room.

Lisa scoffed and followed her. She doesn't understand why Jennie is suddenly cold to her again. Almost two months of working together, she is sure they get along well sometimes, but she doesn't get it why she's acting like this again.

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