Chapter 3: Conscience

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I'm busy with her records right now. Her records show everything but her identity. It's just stated here about the Persian killings.

This is my job. And I hacked the KPD's record files just to see hers. And I am currently browsing it. Gosh! It was the massacre everyone was talking about. It was 9 years ago and until now, they couldn't find her.

But massacre? For God's sake!

I know about the Persian family. They are one of the wanteds of KPD's history. Illegal drug trade, illegal underground dog fights, even manslaughter. I know them. And she killed every last one of them? How? Maybe that's why she got her codename as Persian.

I thought it was about those persian cats. Because she looked like a cat. A really savage one, btw.

Then why did they call it massacre in the first place when all she did is to kill them and made their jobs easier?

"Hey. Your foot is on the line!"

I got startled when she came out of the bathroom and yelled at me. I immediately pulled my foot and sat on my couch with crossed legs. Aish!

"Hey.. can I ask you something?"

"Go on."

I browsed her files again and I was about to talk when I got stiffen and stared at her. She's just wearing her undies, for God's sake.

"Uhm.. y-you're not t-the only one here."

"What? I thought you used your condoms every damn time you got and seeing me half-naked makes you nervous? Tss."

I averted my gaze when she turned and faced me. I just remained silent. But okay. Fine. I averted my gaze to my laptop but I can't help to slowly sneak a peek of her body.

"Stop with your fantasies and ask me what you want to know." she mumbled as she wears her jeans and faced me again.

"I uhh.." I gulped and immediately clicked something on my laptop.

"I just want to ask y-your n-name."

"My name? Why?"

"It's for your records here. Everyone has their real names in their records, even me. So, w-what's your real name? It's not stated on the police records."

"What does it say?" she asks as she wears her black boxer's sando.

She has a tattoo on her back. Upper left corner of her back. It was a dolphin. Tss. Cute.

"P-Persian k-killer."

"Then put Persian killer. Done."

"I n-need your r-real name."

"Why does it have to be— Your name please."

She glared at me. I just avoided her stare and covered my face with my laptop.

"Jennie Kim."

Ohh.. it's a pretty name. How hard could it be to just state her name.


"Why does it matter?" she scowled.

I got startled when she suddenly sneaked on my laptop.

"Y-You c-crossed the l-line."

"Oh. Sorry."

"What the.."

I looked at her in disbelief. She made that rule and she's telling me she forgot about it. This girl is pissing me off.



"Because everyone has their own records here. And to be fair, we agreed on that. If we wanted to trust each other, we agreed on everything. So, your age please."

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