Chapter 34: Night full of love

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I shook my head and massaged my nostrils while clenching my eyes. Thankfully, there's no one here outside. This is really not my thing. Hays.

"Ugh! Shit! My head hurts." I mutter while I walk to the side part of the place while massaging my temple with the heel of my palm.

Yep. This side might help me. It's away from the lights. Aigooo.

"Whooo! That was so suffocating!" I mutter again.

"Such a big event, isn't it?"

I got startled when someone talked beside a car. I heard her chuckled. Maybe because I'm looking at her in shock. She's smoking.

I just leaned my butt on the door of a car beside hers and leaned my hands on my lap while recovering from dizziness.

"Yeah.. not used it though."

"Nice outfit." she said and puffed again.

I gazed down. I immediately pulled my upper body up. Tsk. I hate this outfit now.

"Aren't you cold?"

"No. I'm fine." I chuckle.

"I'm Diana, by the way."

She stretches her arm and opened her hand. Her free hand without the cigarette on it.

"Lisa." I shook her hand and she smiled at me. I just smiled back.

She takes her cigar pack and motions it to me.

"No, thanks."

"You don't smoke? Odd. People in our age has so many vices already."

"I use vape though."

"Where is it? Use it."

I just chuckle and scrunches my nose. I don't feel like using it. It's in my purse. It's always with me but I barely use it.

"Can I see? What flavor?"

"Uhm.. cherry."

Third Person's POV

The girl chuckled again. Lisa showed her vape and the girl took it from her hand. Lisa just raised my brow to her.

"I don't have a contagious disease. I just want to taste it."

And then she did. But then she suddenly coughed.

"Yah.. you okay?"

Lisa rubbed her back as a natural reflex.

"W-Why does it m-makes me cough?"

"I don't know." Lisa chuckled while caressing the girl's back because she's still coughing.

"Oh.. wait. I think, I got it."

The girl then tried again and immediately blows the smoke. She coughs a little but not like a while ago. Lisa then takes her vape from the girl's hand.

"It tastes good actually."

"It does! My friends doesn't like the flavor I use. I don't know why."

The girl chuckled with Lisa. Then they stayed beside each other.

"Why are you here, by the way?"

"Uh.. I accompanied someone included from the event. I'm just a guest though."

"Oh.. I'm a sister of one of the representatives inside."

Lisa nodded.

"Who are you with?"

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