Chapter 42: Born gifted

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Third Person's POV

"Oy. Smart ass kid."

Sooyeon glared at Lisa when she went inside her room. She shook her head and faced her lectures again. Lisa pulled another stool and sat beside the girl. She leaned her elbow and stared at Sooyeon's books.

"Will you stop.." Sooyeon mutters.

"Why? I wanna see what you're reading.." Lisa mumbled and leaned closer.

"Biology. Advanced Mathematics. Geometry and Chemistry. What else do you want to know?"

"Wait. Geometry and Chemistry? That's for 9th graders, Sooyeon-ah.."

"So what? I've finished all my textbooks. Now, what do you really want?"


Lisa exhales while looking at her sister. She fixes her glasses and Sooyeon scrunches her face at her while avoiding her hands. Lisa got flustered. She then strangled Sooyeon by her neck and playfully messes her hair.

"Yah.. unnie, why? I'm studying! Why?!"

"Yah! Stop yelling at me! Aish!"

Sooyeon sighed and holds her pen again. Lisa then becomes serious.

"Yah.. Sooyeon-ah.."


"Why did you say that to your unnie yesterday?"

"Say what? It's true tho. All of it. Unnie, why bothered coming back here? We don't need her anymore."

"Yah.. I n-need her."

"Tss. For what even? To cry again? To get hurt again? Unnie!"

"Aigoo.. you startled me. Stop yelling!" Lisa yelled and smacks Sooyeon's head.

"Ahw." Sooyeon pouts and rubs her head.

"But seriously, Sooyeon-ah.. give her a chance.. hm? You know how much I've waited for her to come back. And she's here now.. with Sunwoo. Aren't you happy with your nephew? He's handsome, right? Like me?" Lisa utters and smiled while forming her hand on her chin. Sooyeon just looked at her and hissed.

"Yah! Aish!" She smacks the girl's head again.


"Seriously.. give her a chance. Please.."

"Unnie, what can I do.. she's here already. I'm just worried."

"Worried? Why?"

"You. I don't want you to get hurt again. Unnie.. I know how much you cried before. And seeing you like that hurts me too. Seriously, unnie.."

Lisa sighed and fixes her sister's hair.

"You're right.. I was hurt. So much.. but that's all in the past. And.. when I saw her again, it makes me happy. Happier when I saw Sunwoo."

"Sunwoo doesn't have anything to do with this. He's innocent. I like him though. He's smart too. I bet he got that from Jennie unnie."

"What do you mean by that, young woman?"

Lisa narrowed her eyes to her sister. Sooyeon just looked at her sister and shook her head.

"Yah! I'm smart too! If I had the chance to attend school, I'd be graduating in college at 17, you know.."

"Wow. The windows are closed. Why is it so airy here?" Sooyeon pretends to be fanning herself with her hands.

Lisa chuckled and smacks her head.

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