Chapter 6: Nice timing

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Third Person's POV

"Why are we here?" Jennie mumbled tiredly.

"Look at me." Lisa removed her helmet and twisted her body to show what the latter did to her.

"And this." Then she showed her elbow and arm.

Her jacket got ripped when she dropped on the concrete ground when Jennie hit her when she drives. Her elbow got grazes and so is her cheekbone and her right eyebrow is bleeding and has a lump.

"Wow. I like how you designed yourself with blood, Catnip." Jennie said and nodded.

"This is all your fault!" Lisa scowled and got down from the bike. Jennie just watched her and still sitting on it.

"What?" Jennie mutters.

"Get down. For fuck sake! And you're gonna help me with my wounds."

Jennie raised a brow to her. Lisa just gulped and avoided her stare then walks inside the convenient store. Jennie still didn't move and just sat on the bike. She noticed her jacket got ripped too and she removed it. She winced when she sees her elbow.

After a while, Lisa went out from the store and saw Jennie sitting on a chair outside. Lisa frowned at her when the girl is pouting and noticed some tears on her eyes.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Jennie sniffs and points to her elbow. Lisa arched her brows when she saw blood.

"You didn't cry when the accident happened and now you're sobbing like a little child when you saw blood on yourself? My goodness! You've been killing people your whole life." Lisa scowled.

But then she leaned closer to her. She raises Jennie's arm and looks at her wound. The girl continued sobbing.

"Tsk tsk tsk. I can see your bone right now."

"Catniiippp~ " Jennie cries. Lisa gasped and looked at her, surprised when Jennie bursted out crying.

"Y-Yah.. I'm just k-kidding. I-It's just grazes. Aigooo.." Lisa mumbled.

She cleans it and puts on some ointment on Jennie's wound. She stared at her when she finished. She just watched her cry while holding her arm. Jennie sobbed and gulped. She looked down to her wound with her eyes full of tears. She sniffed and swallowed thickly. She looks at Lisa and the girl is just staring at her with a soft smile. She sniffs and smacks Lisa's head.

"Ahw. Yah!" Lisa retorted but then pouts at her. She giggled when Jennie bit her lips and controls her sobs.


Why does she has to look like this.. hays. She's so adorable right now. She looks like a fragile human being who have never killed even a mosquito. HAHA! Yeah.. she looks so cute right now.

I just wiped her tears and messes her hair. She hissed at me and fixes her hair harshly. I just giggled.

"So.." I stood up.

"Let's go somewhere, squirt. Somewhere quiet and we can relax.. come here."

I grabbed her helmet and put it on her again. I hold her jacket and motions it for her to wear. She just shook her head and pointed her elbow. I chuckled but then nodded. I opened the toolbox of the bike and put the jacket in with the things I bought in the store then locked it again.

I wore my helmet and sat comfortably. I glanced at Jennie and nods. She then sat behind me again. I thought we're going to fight again about where she would hold but I got stiffen when she wrapped her arms around my waist.

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