Chapter 48: For the sake of love ones

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Third Person's POV

"Just like the tape says. I know you, including your team, couldn't apprehend the Bulgarians after so many years of attempts. Here's the thing, chief. I want to make a deal. If you don't cooperate, we don't have a choice but to leak all your dirty works ever since you got promoted."

"What dirty work is that? I am clean. You won't find anything. If this is a prank, I am going to find you and lock you up."

"Is that so, chief? How about this.. covering an anomaly that once taken by your team two years ago. Killing a fellow officer and his family to cover up your involvement in a drug cartel that, apparently, the officer knew about which wasn't in your plan."

"How did you know about that? That was classified."

"Oh I know a lot of things about you. How about a recent event you're involved with. Mr. Hyun Taewon. Ring a bell, chief?"

"Who the heck is that guy?"

"Oh you're still gonna lie about that. Hyun Taewon, world-class thief who is currently on the loose. Because your team can't arrest him for some reasons. One reason is that you, being his partner. No wonder why they can't erase him."

"What is your catch?"

"Tell me. Are you up with the deal or not?"

"Hope for the best that I won't track you down or else, you'd be rotting in my jail."

"Chief, you can't because if you can, you might've done it a long time ago. Now, tell me, are you in or not? And take note, you won't do anything stupid just to put your family's life on the line because of your crimes."

Lisa looked at Anda intently. Her sister looked back at her and she noticed her jaw clenched tight. Lisa averted and gulped. Then they heard a deep sigh from the other line.

"Okay. Tell me."

Lisa heaves a breath and looked at the girls, smirking.

"To start with, you know the Persians, right?"

"Yes. And they're done doing crimes in my city."

"You're funny, Mr. Bridge. I bet you're having a luxurious life because of that. People think that you're the one who ended them but clearly not. And it was done by one of us."

"Who are you?"

"Not so fast, chief. Here's the thing. We will help you locate and apprehend the Bulgarians. Right now, we know where they are, we're just waiting for your approval to this deal. But.. you approve or not, we will still take them."

"I told you, I'm in. What's the deal?"

"Here's the catch, Bridge. We will do the job for you but in return. I want you to listen to me carefully."

"Lisa, you need to do it fast, we're losing signal." Python whispered. Lisa nodded.

"Listen carefully. Persian, Anda, Python, GX, Bunny, Monkey, Eagle, ... " Lisa stopped for a while and glared at Seulgi. The older frowned at her.

"Eagle, A.I., Deer, Mermaid, Hedgehog, Chopper, Beta, Grasshopper.. and Bear."

"You mean the most wanteds in Korea?"

"Yes. You're smart, chief. We want every criminal records, fingerprints, DNA, dental records, everything about each one of them, be destroyed."

"You are out of your mind."

"I am not. Destroy it from KPD record files, online, everywhere. Do everything in your power to do that. We will give you 24 hours to finish everything. We will contact you after a day. And if none of that happened, you will be dealing with every prisoner in your own jail."

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