Chapter 11: Helps her to calm down

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Third Person's POV

Later that night, Lisa decided to go to the Persian club and see if Jennie is there. She wore a jeans and white long sleeves over her coat. Just like the men from the outside when they saw them for the first time.

She used one of the cars and drives to the club. She parked not so far from it and then went inside the club. She's blending to some people. She scrunches her nose when she smells everything inside. Then someone caught her attention. The girl is wearing a mask but she knows exactly who it is because of her eyes.

Lisa saw Jennie laughing and man's arm is wrapped on her waist. She heaves a breath when she sees how daring and revealing Jennie's outfit is. She's sure that Jennie won't see her from where she's standing. She stared at the man and saw the tattoo on his chest when Jennie caressed it with her hand.

Her veins exploded with what she's watching. She's getting pissed on how the man touches Jennie's thighs and saw him squeezes her butt. Lisa gripped her hands tight into fists.

Then she saw Jennie whispered to the man. The man looks at her and smirked. Jennie stood up and holds the man's hand, pulling him out of the premises.

Lisa carefully followed. She saw them gets inside a car. She immediately gets inside her car and followed them. They stopped to the nearest motel.

"What the hell is she going to do with him.." Lisa scowled in low voice.

She followed them and hides behind the big bush of plant. She quietly listened to them and heard the room number. Lisa then went out of the motel. She roamed her eyes and waited for a light to turn on and then she saw it. She looked around and saw something.


Lisa managed to sneaked in quietly to the restroom of the room where Jennie and the man checked into. She slowly grabbed the doorknob when she heard some moans. She gritted her teeth and twisted the knob silently and made a little gap through the door.

She covered her mouth to suppress her breathing when she saw Jennie straddling on top of the man, wearing just her undies. Lisa keeps on watching. She frowned everytime Jennie holds the man's wrists when he's about to touch her. She heard giggles and pushed the man's arms above him. Jennie tied him up.

"What the.." The man muttered and tried to remove the belt from his wrists.

"Shh.." Jennie placed her index finger on the man's lips and removed her mask.

"Wow." The man mumbled breathily.

Jennie hovers on top of him. The man pants heavily but closes his eyes when Jennie kissed his neck, down to his chest and farther down. Jennie abruptly removed his boxers. Lisa clenched her eyes tight. But then continued watching.

She frowned when she saw Jennie reached behind her, under the bed and her eyes widen when she saw a knife.

Jennie glared to the man and pretends to suck him but then she cuts his gutt. Lisa's eyes widen.

"ArGH— "

Jennie gritted her teeth and put his own dick inside his mouth. Then slits his throat. Lisa covers her mouth as she gasped silently.

"I told you to keep quiet. Was that hard? FFS!" Jennie scowled angrily while watching the man choked on his own dick and blood.

She's still on it and angrily stabbed the man on his chest few times. Striking his tattoo angrily.

Lisa opened the door and got out. Jennie looked so busy and she just got startled when Lisa pulled her away from the man.

"JESUS!" Lisa's eyes widen while looking at the man.

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