Chapter 26: Lump

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Third Person's POV

Lisa and Jennie are awake already but still laying on the bed. Sooyeon is still sleeping in between them. The two are just busy chatting.

"Why did you yell at Chaeyoung yesterday?"

"She spilt my coffee on my legs. It was still hot."

"But you didn't have to yell, you know.."

"Because you're annoying. Both of you."

"Me? Why? What did I do?"

"Tss." Jennie retorted.

"What did I do? We were just playing. And Sooyeon looked so having fun with Chaeyoung. They looked so adorable while playing yesterday." Lisa mumbled while smiling as she recalls and staring at her sister.

"Can you do that too?"

"What?" Jennie retorted again.

"Play with Sooyeon." Lisa mumbled and looked at Jennie.

Jennie just looked back at her and raised a brow.

"I'm not goo— "

Jennie got cut when Sooyeon suddenly wrapped her arm over her tummy unconsciously while sleeping. She glanced at Lisa and the girl is smiling at her. Jennie averted her gaze and gulped.

"C-Can you r-remove her arm? I-It feels awkward."

"No." Lisa chuckled and moves closer to them and hugs Jennie too.


Jennie removed Lisa's arm but the girl still puts her arm back while giggling. Jennie was about to remove it again.

"Stop. You'll wake her up. Just let us be. We love hugging you." Lisa said and smiled widely.


Lisa knocked on Chaeyoung's door impatiently. The girl groaned and opened up. Lisa went inside and her eyes widen with what she's seeing.

"Damn! How long has it been since the last time I was inside your room?" Lisa asks as she roamed her eyes around the girl's room full of paints on the wall. Sketchpads on her table. She browses some pages and mesmerized with everything.

"Why?" Chaeyoung retorted.

"Sooyeon is looking for you. Chaeng, gosh! What have you been doing all this time? You already have five stocks of sketchpads here, all are full of your drawings. They are so beautiful and amazing!" Lisa chuckled excitedly.

"Tell me.. what.. has it been a month already? Two? Since the last time I visit your room. Are you bored?"

Chaeyoung snatches the sketchpad from Lisa's hands. The girl then pushed her out of the room and follows. She closed the door shut and walks downstairs.

"Sooyeon-ahhh!!" Chaeyoung excitedly greeted the little girl.

"Unnie! Let's eat!" Sooyeon raised her arms and Chaeyoung cheerfully met her and lifted her.

"By the way, I like them. Mind giving Sooyeon a sketchpad too?" Lisa chuckled as they walk to their dining table.

"Oh.. Sooyeon-ah.. do you want to draw?" Chaeyoung asks the girl. The little girl gasped and nodded in excitement.

"Really? Okay. I'll give a pad and we will draw, okay? You like that?"

"Ne, unnie! Yey!"

"She looks so excited already." Lisa mumbled while getting some foods for her sister.

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