Chapter 31: Little things

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Third Person's POV

Lisa and Jennie are chatting again on their bed while Sooyeon is between them, busy playing her new gadget. Jennie keeps on teasing Lisa while applying lotion on her legs. She laughed at her again while Lisa pouts at her.

"I can't believe you really got jealous of Seulgi unnie. I just told you she's attractive but it doesn't mean anything, babe." Jennie chuckled.

"And you're saying that again."

"Yah.. will you stop.. I got jealous of Chaeyoung but I remained silent."

Lisa gasped and got up while looking at Jennie. The girl averted her gaze and focused on her legs.

"Yah~ " Lisa teased her while pushing her slightly.

"You got jealous? Of Chaeyoung? Really? HAHA!" Lisa pushes her still but just teasing.

Jennie clenched her eyes and then glared at Lisa. She didn't even mean blurting it out all of a sudden but sometimes her lips betray her too.

"Yiiee~ you really love me, don't you?" Lisa teased again and still pushing her.

Jennie gritted her teeth and shove her arm to stop Lisa. But then she accidentally hit Sooyeon's tablet that causes it to hit her face.


The girl cries.

"Oh my ghad. I'm sorry.. Sooyeonie.. unnie's sorry.. stop crying." Jennie said while hugging the little girl and caressing her back.

Lisa bursted out laughing. Jennie gritted her teeth and motions to kick Lisa. But the girl is still laughing at Sooyeon.

"Sooyeon-ah.. cry louder."

"Lisa!" Jennie groaned in annoyance but then Sooyeon really cried louder.

"Aigooo.. Sooyeon-ah.. sorry." Jennie mumbled and hugged her tighter.

"Tsk. Stop laughing! Get her water! Aish!" Jennie muttered and really kicks Lisa.

"HAHA! Sooyeon-ah, you look ugly right now!" Lisa teased and laughed while clapping when the girl cries even louder.

"Lisa.. stop it. She's crying hard already. Aish!"

Jennie then grabbed her tablet and put it aside first. She then lifted Sooyeon and walks outside. Lisa followed them while laughing.

"Oh? What happened?" Chaeyoung asks when she saw them behind her while walking down the stairs.

"Oh? Chong-ah! Hi!" Lisa teased Jennie and ran to Chaeyoung. The other girl got confused.

Lisa glanced back at Jennie and saw her glaring deadly. She gulped and removed her arm from Chaeyoung's shoulders. Then pushed the girl away.

"Stop touching me, Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa muttered.

"The heck?! You're the one who approached me!" Chaeyoung yelled at her.

"I didn't." Lisa scowled and approached Jennie and Sooyeon in the kitchen.

Chaeyoung just shook her head while furrowing her brows to Lisa. Jennie is busy wiping Sooyeon's remaining tears and watches her drink.

"Sooyeon-ah.. you want to sleep with me tonight?" Jennie mumbles. The little girl nodded and sobs.

"Okay. We'll sleep together."

"Sooyeon will sleep with us?" Lisa asks.

"Us? Who told you you're going to sleep with us? You'll sleep alone in your room. Move! You're pissing me off!"

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