Chapter 27: She cares too

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Third Person's POV

Lisa couldn't look at Jennie because the girl is glaring deadly at her while pressing an ice pack on her head.

"I-I'm— Stop talking! Stop breathing! Don't get closer to me! I'll kill you!"

Lisa clenched her eyes when Jennie started yelling at her again. She was about to stand up when Jennie yells again.

"Stop moving! Stop looking at me! STOP LIVING, LALISA MANOBAN! You're pissing me off right now!"

"What?" Lisa scoffed but still not looking at Jennie.

"I said stop! I am killing you with my stares right now! Don't move!"

Lisa suddenly bursted out laughing.

"Stop laughing!! Lisa! My head hurts!"

Lisa looked at Jennie with wide eyes when the girl suddenly whines loudly. She just chuckled and moves closer to her.

"Let me see.."

"Don't touch me!" Jennie scowled and started sobbing.

Lisa looked at her and felt guilty. She slowly holds Jennie's hand and removes the ice pack.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Lisa mumbled while checking her head.

"It's just small lump. Sorry, okay?"

Lisa fixes Jennie's hair and put the ice pack back to the basin for a while.

"I just got pissed when you hit me. Stop doing that. It's a bad habit. I'm sorry."

Jennie smacks her head again slightly.

"Ahw. I just told you to stop doing that." Lisa looked at her flustered. Jennie just glared at her.

Lisa just smiled and kissed her head.

"How are you feeling?"

"It hurts!"

Lisa chuckles.

"I mean.. when you went to your house.."

"It hurts.."

Lisa looks at her softly. She rubs the girl's legs that are covered with the blanket. The cold breeze from outside blows through the window. It's still raining hard. Lisa stood up and closed the window. Then went back on sitting beside Jennie.

"Do you want to go with me tomorrow?" Jennie asks.


"At my house. My parents told me, they'll be going back to my uncle's house tomorrow night and they wanted to see me before they go."

"Will you be okay?"

"I guess so. It's just.. living without them for a long time.. I'm used to it already. So.. them, going or not, I don't feel anything."

"Okay. I'll go with you."

Jennie nodded.

"By the way, how's the funeral earlier?"

"Oh.. that. Well, Chaeng went with us. Sooyeon's family got shocked when they saw her with me. Apparently, they didn't even talk about getting Sooyeon from us. I don't know why. Looked like.. they don't want her to be with them. But yeah.. we stayed there for couple of hours before going back here."

"How's your sister?"

"She was quiet the whole time. Thankfully, Chaeng made her feel comfortable. I know she knows what happened. The girl is smart. But she stayed quiet while sitting in front of her parents' pictures."

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