Chapter 4: Cake

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Third Person's POV

"Then call her by her name."

"That's too personal."

Lisa scoffed and drinks the vodka she bought using Jennie's money. They are currently eating dinner.

"I don't even want to call you by your name. It sounds so innocent and you're clearly not." Lisa mutters while glaring at Jennie.

"And you think you are? Geez! We're no difference, asshole!"


"Enough. Call her Persian then." Anda muttered. Lisa shook her head.

"That codename is scary. And it just makes me feel more scared of her."

"You should be." Jennie looked at her intently.

"How can you be so scared of her and not of us?! For fuck sake, we do what she does too." GX mutters.

"Baby girl, she's different." Lisa mumbles while giggling at GX.

"Oh. How about squirt? Yeah. I'll call her that." Lisa added and grins.

"What?" Mermaid squealed.

"That is so.."

"The heck, Catnip.."

"Don't mind her." Anda shook her head to Jennie. The girl just shrugged and looked at Lisa intently. The girl smirked at her and raised a brow playfully.


She likes teasing, I'll give her one. And that squirt? HAHA! I just happened to have a wet dream last night and that came to my mind so I said it. I'm just teasing her and she looks so cold right now.


"Persian, by the way.. uhm.. what happened to your business a while ago?" My sister asked her.

Oh yeah. She went back after two hours. And she looked fine though. She really can do everything on her own, why bother join us here?

"I didn't do it."

What? She didn't? I thought she's mad at that man?

"Hm? Why?"

"When I came to the address, someone opened the door. A little girl."

"Oh.. the man has a daughter?"

"Yeah." she said and drinks again.

She keeps on drinking since I've made that squirt thingy.

"So.. you didn't do it because?" I asked and looked at her, narrowing my eyes.

"I thought about her daughter. The girl is still young and it looks like they're just depending on that motel they have. So, if I killed her dad, what do you think would happen to that little girl, Lisa, do you ever think?" she raised a brow to me.

"What the.." I knitted my brows to her. The girls just laughed.

"That's a good decision though. You guys think so too, right?" My sister said.


"It is."

"Respect, dude." Bear said while raising her shot and drinks.

Well, there's still good in her after all. All of us do actually. Just.. what we do makes us look bad to other people's eyes.


Third Person's POV

Lisa is lying on the couch while her arm is on her forehead. Her eyes are closed and she's trying to sleep when she heard sniffles from her bathroom. She opened her eyes slowly and stared at the ceiling. Then closed her eyes again when she heard the door opened.

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