Chapter 47: The tape

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Third Person's POV

Jennie is silently sitting on the bed while staring at her son while he sleeps. She's playing with her ring. The ring from the necklace Lisa gave her. She stared at it while sighing.

Then the door opened. Lisa came in and removed her bag and jacket. She sat beside the bed to remove her shoes. Jennie is just watching her. Lisa sighed and throws her shoes to the side then stood up again and grabbed the towel. She went inside the bathroom and none of them speaks.

After cleansing her body, she went out with her comfy clothes. She approached the mirror and saw something in front of it. She picked it up and turned to Jennie.

"I-I'm g-giving it back to you."

"I don't need it. I gave this to you already. And whatever you do with that ring, I don't care. Keep it. Throw it. Whatever, I don't care." Lisa muttered. She put it in Jennie's palm and closed her hand.

She just hung her towel again and went out of the room. She leaned on the door and clenched her eyes and jaw tight to suppress whatever she's feeling inside her.

She then walked to Chaeyoung's room and saw them inside.

"Oh? Why?" Chaeyoung asks.

"I want to sleep here. Sooyeon, let's sleep together."

"Why? I want to sleep with Chaeyoung unnie." Sooyeon said.

Lisa hissed at her but then grabbed some comforter, spreads it on the floor and laid. Chaeyoung throws a pillow on her. She didn't say anything and just closed her eyes. Chaeyoung looks at Sooyeon and nods to Lisa's direction. Sooyeon sighed and nodded. She grabbed her pillow and laid beside Lisa. The older then hugged her tight.

"Tsk. Unnie.." Sooyeon whines.

"Shut up. I know you missed me." Lisa teased.

"You wish. Get off." Sooyeon whines again. But Lisa just tightens her arm around her little sister.

"I wonder what happened." GX mumbles while reading.

"Me too." A.I. seconded while playing on her phone.

Lisa just sighed and ignores them. She tries to sleep but she can't. Even until the lights are off and silence roamed around them. Few minutes have passed, she still can't sleep. She laid properly and gripped the sheets over her chest while staring at the ceiling, obviously thinking about what happened earlier. She gulped and wiped her tears. She sniffs silently, heaves a breath and exhales slowly.

"I warned you."

"Shut up."

Lisa covered herself with the blanket and turned her back to Sooyeon.

"I hate you."

Lisa hissed and turned to her, glaring.

"And I hate her more." Sooyeon continued.

"If you don't stop, I'll press this pillow on your face."

"What happened this time, unnie?" and Sooyeon continues.

"Nothing. Just sleep. You still have school tomorrow, right? So, just close your eyes."

"Know what, unnie. One thing I've learned being in highschool at this age, is that.. it's so hard to please other people, ending up, you have to learn everything by yourself and don't give a fuck around you."

"Yah!" Lisa scowled in low voice.

"Where did you learn that word.. if I heard that from you again, I'd cut your tongue off.. you'll see."

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