Chapter 33: Fete for resolutions

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I really didn't have any idea about this surprise. Gosh! The girls really did efforts. And Sooyeon is really cute with this dress. Of course, the mastermind of this surprise, my girlfriend. I stared at her as she laughed with the other girls.

After tomorrow night, I won't be seeing those smiles for quite some time. I won't be hearing her laughter. I won't be able to see her frowns and glares. I won't be able to feel her smacks and playful punches for three months. I won't be able to feel her. Her hugs and kisses. After tomorrow night, she will be gone for so long.

I know three months is not that long but if you missed a certain person like her.. someone you love deeply, even a day without seeing her feels like years.

To be honest, I am still flustered with what she's becoming when we knew about her parents being alive. I'm still flustered with what will happen if she becomes busy with their business.

My favorite enemy.

I won't be seeing her for a long time.

No one knows she's the most wanted person in the whole country of Korea. No one knows but me, the girls and her core family. I don't know what could happen if someone knew about it. Her relatives know about what she did, but they don't know she's wanted because of it.

Inside me, I don't want her to go. I don't wanna let go of her. But I thought, with the way I am thinking right now, that is so selfish of me. She still has many responsibilities, though it's obvious she doesn't like it too. I chuckle.


She suddenly turned to me.

I'm gonna miss her so much. I missed her already even now, thinking about almost all of it. My mind is going to explode with this scenarios.

I'm scared all of a sudden.

What if we lost the communication? What if.. it doesn't as consistent as I wish it would be? What if.. during her staying away from us, she'd met someone that will fill the emptiness and sadness she might feel? What if her love fades while she's away?

I'm scared.

Those months aren't as simple as it may seem.


"Would there be any chance.. for you to stay?"

She looked at me, arching her brows while swallowing the food she just ate thickly. Then I just realized what I just said.

"No.. I m-mean.. uhm.." I just chuckle and averted my gaze to Sooyeon.

"Nevermind." I mumble. It wasn't in my intention to let it out bitterly but it did.

It's not my mind which going to explode, it's my heart. And it feels like burning. I just shrugged it off and continued eating.

I trust her.


The next morning, Jennie and I just arrived at their house.

Jennie managed to call her butler and told him that I will be coming with her to the event.

The event will be held in a function hall in the middle part of Seoul. But we're preparing here in their house. Jennie even told me to bring some other clothes because after the event, we will spend the night in their house. Tomorrow morning, early in the morning, their company resolution will start. That just made me more anxious.

I don't know why. I trust her. I really do. But this overthinking isn't helping me at all. It's just.. sending me problems that shouldn't even exist in the first place.

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