Chapter 15: More than a mother but family

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We just arrived at the address the database had given when we scanned the photo Lisa has.

Apparently, I've talked to Anda about it and I told her that I would watch Lisa closely if ever we found her mother. She really didn't want to but eventually did when Lisa blurted out her frustration. What happened? Well.. while I was talking to her sister, I didn't know she was listening outside her office.

Third Person's POV


"I don't know why she suddenly wanted to look for her again. She was happy here. I know she is."

"But you know she has the right. It's still her mother we're talking about."

"I know. But what if, meeting her changes Lisa? What if she knew something that would crash her? I wouldn't be like this if I'm not worried."

"I know you're worried. But I am telling you, I will be with her."

"Persian, you don't know what Lisa felt every time she goes home with nothing whenever she looks for her mother. She— "

The two of them got startled when Lisa opened the door and went inside.

"You don't know that, Anda. And this is my decision! I know I owe you my life the moment you saw in the streets, but this is not for you to decide! I have my own decision and I want to look for her!" Lisa yelled.

"But Lisa— Shut up! You're still a nobody when it comes to my life! I am doing this with or without your permission! And you can't stop me!"

"Lisa.." Jennie mumbled.

The girl just looked at her and then to Anda. She turned her back and got out from her office again, closing the door loudly.

Jennie turned to Anda whose taken aback with what she heard. She rubs her face and exhales. She sat down on her chair and spaced out.

"Nobody.. yeah.." Anda chuckles breathily.

"She's just mad, unnie." Jennie mumbles.

"Just.. go. You heard her. I don't think my opinion matters now." Anda gasped softly.

"I am really sorry." Jennie says then went out of Anda's office.




After that, I've waited for Lisa to be ready and now, we're here in front of the house where the database told us after two days.

I looked at Lisa and she looks nervous while staring at the house.

"Hey.." I held her hand and she looked at me. She smiled faintly.

"We can still wait until you're ready.."

"No, I'm fine." She said and got down from the car.

I followed her as she steps in the front door of the house. The house looks so old and the door is jammed. Dust everywhere. A cat resting on the small bench the front door has. A black persian cat.

Lisa was about to knock when someone speaks behind us.

"Can I help you?"

We turned to the voice. Lisa gasped softly and I looked at her. Her eyes is shaking while staring at the woman. The woman on the picture.

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