Chapter 21: First part

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Third Person's POV

"Hurry up! The girls are waiting already!" Jennie banged the bathroom door while yelling.

"Alright! My goodness.." Lisa replied and zipped her pants and flashes.

She went out of the bathroom after washing her hands and glared to Jennie.

"What? Let's go!"

"Okay. Chill. Tsk!" Lisa replied irritably.

Jennie hissed at her and smacks her head while Lisa closed the door.

"Ahw. Was that necessary? Aigooo.."

"Uhm.. no. I just missed hitting you."

Lisa just rolled her eyes and got another smack from Jennie.

"Ouch! Yah!"

Jennie just laughed and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. Lisa pouts at her but put her arm over the girl's shoulders.

Lisa stepped down a stair but Jennie stopped. She looks at her and wondered why. Jennie suddenly twisted her body and wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck.

"Carry me! Go!" Jennie shouted and piggy back rides Lisa.

"You're heavy! I don— Yah! Who's heavy?! Aish! Come on! Carry me!"

Jennie pulled Lisa and forced herself on her back.


Lisa fixed her jacket and lowered her body. She clenched her eyes and gripped on the railings to balance herself. Then fixes Jennie's position on her back. Jennie giggled and wrapped her arms tighter around Lisa.

"Aigoo.. look at this two. Hays. Palli!" Python mumbled as they walk to the car.

Lisa was about to put Jennie down but the girl whines.

"Carry me until outside. To the car." Jennie demanded.

"My knees are giving up. You're he— Yah! Say that again! I'll kill you!"

Jennie smacks her head again until they reached the car. Lisa immediately put her down and steps away from her while caressing her head and shoulders. Jennie glared at her while murmuring something. Jennie gets inside the car and she followed.

"Oh? Mermaid, you're going with us?" Lisa asks when she saw Chaeyoung beside Jennie.

"Yep. I feel bored. The others are having their own worlds so I decided to go with you." Chaeyoung said.

Python then drives. A.I. is in the shotgun seat.

"Unnie, there. In that resto." Jennie said while pointing.

"It's there?" Lisa asks.

"Yep. I told you, I stayed there before."

"Nice timing. I'm hungry." Mermaid said.

"Their egg sandwich is the best, Chaeyoung-ah." Jennie said while nodding at her excitedly.

"Really?! I'll try that one." Chaeyoung replied.

Python parked the car. Before they go down, they wear their caps and masks.


"Oh! Nini! Hi!" the guy waved his hands.

"Uhh.. five egg sandwiches! You know what to do. I'll just go upstairs."


The girls settled on the table. Jennie grips Lisa's sleeves and pulled her. Lisa gasped and looked at her. But she lets her pull her until they reached Jennie's room.

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