Chapter 36: Little secrets

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3 years later (Just let it be, guys. I know you'll all react to this hysterically. HAHA!-_-")


It's exactly 3 years after she left me. I have to make myself looked really busy so the girls won't be affected by my non-sense cryings since. And thankfully, Daesung oppa remembered me and accepted me as one of his crews few years back. And now, I'm still working my ass off here in his restaurant.

Here. In our used-to-be favorite restaurant.

The fate lied to me.

I held on to her. Probably still. But I don't know. I don't know if she got married or what. I tried to make myself believe that she didn't.. but she never came back so I just assumed she did.

Exactly three years. My birthday has come and go. Sooyeon's birthday has come and go. Even the other girls' birthdays but she never came back.

Am I pathetic for still wanting her to show herself here to see me? To ask me how am I doing after she left? After she stopped calling me? After I knew about the engagement? Am I pathetic for still thinking that she still wants me too?


I often spend my time in that bridge where she yelled her frustration. Where she held my hands, asking me to be with her that night. That night where she begged for me to stay with her.. her eyes were so clear like the sky. That night where I've felt she wanted only me in her life and no one else.

After my shift, I went back here. I stared at the angry lake underneath this bridge. I don't know what has gotten into me and I stand over it's railings. I bet the passers think I'm crazy. Well, maybe I am. Maybe, we're both crazy after all.

I chuckle.

I'm not good at balancing. And if I fell here, I think no one will notice. No one will notice I'm gone. I gaze down. The water is mad. Will it bring me to her? Along its waves, will I reach her?

I suddenly felt dizzy. My foot slips and that gives me heart attack. But before I fell, someone pulled me off the railings and we dropped on the concrete ground.

"Are you crazy?!" she scowled.

"Maybe I am, Chaeng."

We both winced.

"Yes, you are. FFS!"

I just sighed and didn't move from where I dropped and just feel the dust on my back. I spread my arms wide. I stared at the sky, asking why? Why He has to do this to me? To us?

All these years.. I've waited for her. But she never came. But the funny thing is.. I still want her. I still love her. Yes, I'm pathetic. Three years have gone. Three months turned to years.

I chuckle.

"We were in love, right, Chaeng? You guys saw that. Or I was just dreaming? Is everything a dream, Chaeng? If it is, please wake me up."

And she suddenly slapped me.

"OUCH! Why would you do that?!"

"To wake you up to reality!"

Yeah. It's real. This is real. She left me and she's married.

"She loved me, right? I know she did.."

I gulped and felt something drops on my ear. I reached for it and saw water. Nope. I am crying.

"It's been three years.. I know. I should've moved on already, right? But I missed her, Chong-ah. I missed her rants, her yells.. I missed her smacks.. I m-missed everything about her.. but I can't do anything about it, right? I can't. I don't wanna ruin her life again. I don't wanna ruin her family."

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