Chapter 41: Smart ass

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Third Person's POV

The girls gasped when they heard the noise. They immediately ran upstairs. They gasped again when they saw what happened. Jennie carefully walks and looked down. She saw Anda and Lisa wincing in pain.

"Yah! Are you two okay?" She asks.

"A-Ahw.. y-yah.. L-Lisa.. you okay?" Anda asked while wincing and holding her back.

"U-Unnie.. I t-think I broke something. A-Ah!" Lisa winced and couldn't move. When she tried, their eyes widen hearing some bones cracking.

"U-Unnie.. t-that hurts. I c-can't move." Lisa mutters.

"Aigooo. Stop moving! Aish!" Jennie scowled while looking down.

The girls went downstairs again, below Chaeyoung's room. They kicked the door open and ran inside.

"Unnie.. can you get up? Something hurting in you?" Eagle asks as she helps Anda.

The older winced as she gets up and rubs her back. But she looks fine. They turned to Lisa.

"I'm good. Ah!" Anda winced and straighten her back. They heard some cracking of bones too but Anda is fine.

"Lisa-yah.. where? Where does it hurt?" Jennie asks anxiously.

"Aigooo.. the floor was fragile because of the explosion." Monkey utters.

"Unnie unnie.. straighten your neck and refrain from moving." GX said.

"A-Alright alright. A-Ah.. Nini.. m-my back. Aigooo.." Lisa winced.

"Girls, help me. Let's move her outside." Anda said.

They positioned themselves and counted one to three to lift Lisa and moved outside. They placed her on the table. Lisa couldn't move.

"J-Just give me s-some time. I think, I-I'll be fine." Lisa said while lying on the table.

"No.. we have to do this." GX said and holds Lisa's head still.

"Unnie, hold still, okay."

"W-What? Why why why?"

"This is going to hurt a little.. okay.. but we have to.." GX said while looked down on Lisa.

"GX-ssi.." Python muttered anxiously while gripping GX's arm.

"Eunbin-ah, w-what are y-you— AHH!"

Lisa screams in pain. The girls gasped when they heard some bones cracked from Lisa.

"Eunbin-ssi!" Lisa yelled when she got up.

"Oh?!!" Monkey looked at her with wide eyes.

"Heol! Eunbin-ah!" Eagle chuckled.

Even the others chuckled.

"Oh? Oh.. My body feels fine." Lisa mumbles while stretching her body.

"Woah! Eunbinie~ " Jennie giggled and hugged the girl. GX giggled.

"But yah!" Lisa yelled again.

"You said it's going to hurt a little! That hurts like hell, Eunbin-ah!"

"Yah! Stop yelling! Aish!" Jennie scowled at her and got a smack on her head. GX giggled and stuck her tongue out to the older.

Lisa pouts while rubbing her head and looking at Jennie. Then she got down from the table and went back to work.


"Unnie, Lizard is here!" Python calls.

Anda immediately met them and they met Lizard outside. They let him in and talks about what he brought for the girls.

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