Chapter 24: No good

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Third Person's POV

It's been almost an hour when Jennie went inside the bathroom. The night is already quiet because the girls are already in their respective rooms, sleeping.

She's still there, sitting on the toilet cover, silently crying. What she just found out today makes her emotional. She doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to show to anyone that it affected her in much different level. She didn't expect herself that she would be flustered and hurt like that.

All her life, she avenged her parents, but then, earlier that day, she found out they are alive. She doesn't feel any happiness but extreme pain on her chest. She spent another hour inside and decided to calm down and washed her face before going back to bed.

She glanced at Lisa, sleeping deeply on the bed. She took a deep breath and sighed. She slowly crawled and laid beside her. She gently pulled Lisa's arm and wrapped it around her as she rests her head on the girl's shoulder.

But then, Lisa slowly opened her eyes and gazes at her. Unknowingly, Lisa heard her again while crying inside the bathroom. But Lisa didn't move or say anything to her. She doesn't want to ask also, thinking that Jennie might not like it if she questioned everything. She just knows that Jennie is hurting. She just closed her eyes again when she felt Jennie's deep sigh.


The next morning, Lisa moves and wrapped her arms tight around Jennie's body. But then she abruptly opened her eyes and turned to the girl. She noticed how sweaty the girl is even inside her airconditioned room.

She placed her hand over her head and neck. Jennie just groaned tiredly and hugged Lisa tighter.

"You're hot." Lisa mumbled anxiously.

"I-I'm always hot."

"Shut up. You're having a fever, Jennie Kim."

Lisa tries her best to get up. She saw Jennie's eyebrows furrowed but her eyes are still closed.

"Tsk. I told you, you'll get sick! Aish!"

"S-Stop yelling at me." Jennie muttered and slowly opened her eyes and saw Lisa went out of their room. She glanced at the floor and saw Lisa left one pair of her slippers again because of running out of anxiousness. She just closed her eyes again.


"Unnie, she's having a high fever, what should I do?"

Anda looks at Lisa and how worried she is.

"Boil some water. Grab a face towel. Mix it with some cold water and then rub her body with it. Ask Wendy for some medicines for her. But before she takes it, ask Mermaid.. no, ask Beta to make a porridge for her." Anda said calmly while Lisa looked so hysterical already.

The girl nodded and immediately ran out of her office. Anda even noticed that Lisa's just wearing one slipper, her boxers and sports bra. She just shook her head and sighed deeply.


"Woahw! Lisa! Mind wearing clothes before going out of your room?!" Eagle muttered.

But Lisa ignored her and immediately grabbed the kettle.

"Wendy unnie! Sowon unnie!" she called.



The girls laughed at her.

"Where is your slipper? Aigooo.." Bunny muttered.

"Unnie, can you make something for Jennie? She's sick. She's having a fever. I'll bring it to her. Please." Lisa said anxiously while looking through the cabinet for the basin.

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