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"Okay. The foods are ready. Everything is clean. Plates and utensils. Drinks.. Oh.. babe, we forgot something." She said.

She's been checking the house since a while ago. I don't know why she looks nervous or maybe too excited. I don't mind though. I keep on following her since she asked me to zip up her dress from behind but she kept on walking and just stopped when she turned to me.

"What is it?" I asked.


"Babe, I told you.. we have it in the cooler."

"Have we?" She frowned. I exhaled and rolled my eyes. I lazily walked beside our table and leaned down on to open the cooler. I looked at her and she just smiled at me, cutely. Very cutely.

"You're a party saver, babe." she said and pecked on my lips, that made me smile.

"I am what now?" I giggled and just watched her fixes Sunwoo's tie.

"Sunwoo-yah.. come here." I said. My boy giggled and ran to me.

"Sooyeon-ah.. are you excited?" I smiled at her.

"To see the oldies? No. To see what books they brought for me, yes."

"Aish.. this girl." I mutter. She just shrugged and turned to whatever she's reading again.

And then we heard the door bell. Jennie looked at me excitedly.

"I'll get it. How do I look?" she said.

"Beautiful." I smiled at her. Jennie exhales and smiled before reaching the door.

I put down Sunwoo for a while and followed her. Then the girls squealed excitedly and hugged my soon-to-be-wife girl.

"Hello! Come in, please. Feel at home." she said.


"Woah! What a nice place you got here."

"This place is stunning."

Jennie giggled and so am I.

"Believe me, this is all Lisa's idea. It's all on her." she said. I just smiled at the girls.


"Chaeng unnie!"

"As I promise, here it is." Chaeng said and gave her a paper bag.

"Thanks!" Sooyeon squealed and ran to the couch.

"Unnie." I smiled at Anda unnie when she walks in. She smiled back.

"Ta-da!" she smiled widely while showing me a picture in a frame. Us. All of us. Right before our old safe house broke down into ashes.

"Uwu! Unnie! This is so perfect!" I said and snatches the picture.

"Babe.." I called out and showed it to Jennie. She squealed and jumped excitedly.

"Oh my ghad! This is so precious! Let's place it there, babe!"

I nodded to her and she put it on the platform over the fireplace. Anda unnie taps my shoulder. When I turned to her, she's showing me another one. An album, I guess. I smiled sweetly and hugged her tight.


Third Person's POV

After their party, Jennie is busy with some notes and business related on their dinner table. Lisa is quietly sitting on their couch.

"I've already talked to someone about our wedding preparations. I told her I will contact her after we've talked about it. What do you think?" Jennie utters while typing, browsing some files. She gazes back when she didn't hear any reply.

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