Chapter 30: Childish

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Third Person's POV

Lisa and Jennie are quietly laying on their bed. Sooyeon is already sleeping in the other room. Lisa is staring at the ceiling and so is Jennie.

"Why can't I sleep right now?" Lisa mumbled.

"I don't know. Me too." Jennie replied and sighed.

"Hey." Jennie leaned her elbow and looked at Lisa.


"I saw Seulgi unnie a while ago. She's smoking again?"

"Yeah.. I think, her vape got broken again. She really needs another one."

"So.. you were smoking too? But just changed to vape?"

"Nope. I'm vaping ever since." Lisa chuckled.

"Oh.. she suddenly looked attractive when I saw her smoking."


Lisa knitted her brows to Jennie. The girl chuckled and grabbed her arm then rests her head on Lisa's neck.

"That's not cool hearing from you." Lisa muttered coldly.

Jennie lifted her head and looks at Lisa. The girl just glared at her and removed her arm.

"Sorry.. I won't say it again."

She just got pushed slightly by Lisa and got up.

"Yah.. are you mad? Sorry.."

"I'm sleeping next door."


Jennie got up too and holds Lisa's wrist before she could stand up.


"It's fine."

Jennie didn't buy it with Lisa's expression.

"I'm sorry. Really.. I won't say it again."

Lisa just sighed but still stood up. Jennie holds her tighter. Lisa just looked at her, still with cold expression. She just shook her head and removes Jennie's hands.

"Lisa." Jennie muttered and furrowed her eyebrows.

Lisa still walks. Jennie followed and blocked the door.

"I'm sorry.. please."

Jennie stopped her again when Lisa reached for the doorknob.

"Lisa, you know how I hate begging."

"Then stop. Who told you to do that.."


Jennie glared at her but Lisa is just looking at her coldly. She just bent her head and hugged Lisa.

"I'm really sorry.. I won't say it again. Promise. Sleep with me.."

"Why would you even say that.. it feels like you don't care about what I would feel."

"You know that's not true."

"Isn't it?"


"Let me go. I need some air."

"No.. I don't want to."

"I'll come back here. I just need to breathe. It's not really cool. I'm serious."

"I'll go out with you."

"Do whatever you want."

Lisa removes Jennie's arms and got out of her room. Jennie really followed her outside. The girls saw them and followed them with their stares. Lisa glanced at Seulgi and saw smoking again. She turned to Jennie and saw her looking at the older's direction. But she immediately averted it. She hissed and walks quickly.

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