Chapter 52: It's just a number

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It's hard..

To see everyone you love with those expressions.

The anxiousness screaming silently through their eyes.

I hate this.

I still have more than two years to live. I assume. I wish. Hoping. Though it's a 50/50 chance even after surgery, the doctor said.

But I don't believe that. It's a half percent probability and another half for my survival.

Staring at them now.. watching them worry about me.. just.. it isn't cool. The more they look like this, the more I feel like...

It's not me they're about lose.. but me, losing them.

The girls.. who've been with me.. through good and hard times.

My sister, Anda. Who did everything.. doing everything to protect me.

My little sister.. who always feels annoyed when I'm around.

I let out a short chuckle while looking at her, reading her books again.

Always irritated but I know she loves me just as much as I love her.

The love of my life. Hays.

I don't know what she's feeling right now. She's always this brave girl.. you don't wanna mess with. But has a soft heart when it comes to people she loves. I can't read her expression but I know.. she's worried, which she doesn't really have to.

I know I still have time to still make her happy and I will do that. I will.


And my son. Gosh! He's still young. He'll be at his 5 or 6 the moment he lost me. Probably lose me. Still young. So young. But I hope I could spend every single time of my life efficiently with him.

There are so many things I could inherit from my said family but an illness? Wow. There's no paradox with this kind of things. Time travel? That's a science fiction that until now, even scientists themselves, can't prove. But if I had the chance, I would go back in time to spend every single day with them if this illness took me.

I am just watching them, thinking.. would I be able to leave something to them as a reminder of me, Lalisa Manoban.. not just the silly things I always do.. just like Jennie always says, that annoys the hell out of her.. but I want to leave something that would remind them that me, Lalisa Manoban marked their lives, every single one of them in ways that even them wouldn't expect. Or me.

"Tomorrow, we'll bring the kids to Mino again. And we'll take that last chip to end everything." Anda unnie said.

It's already been two? three months after we got those leaders leading the Bulgarians and one last man left. The leaders' leader.

Actually, we didn't expect that there will be four chips we need to locate and collect. Four big leaders behind them also. But guess what, Korea has the hell of wanteds to do the job for them. They owe us more than freedom.

But that's the most important.


"Hey.." I mumble and turned to Jennie. She's busy with Sunwoo and turned to me while smiling, giggling with him. I smiled.

"Uhm.. I want to show you something. The sun almost come down but we still have time."

"We're going out? Where?" she asks and then giggled with Sunwoo again.

"It's uhm.. a surprise." I said and smiled at her.

"The girls can take care of him for a while.. while we're gone." I said.

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