PROLOGUE: Most Wanted

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This story is a little heavy so if you have a weak heart, you might wanna think twice before reading this book. Parental guidance is advice. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!


"Hey!" someone yelled.


"What!?" I scowled.

I am running fast. Have you guys ever felt like you're running your whole life? Me? I do. I've been running my whole life. What? Chasing bad guys? A thief? Or a robber? HAHA! No.

I am the bad guy.

And that woman? I can't believe she noticed me. This is the first time. It's because of that girl who bumped into me when I grabbed that woman's wallet from her bag. She noticed me. How? Well, when that other girl bumped into me, the woman looked at me and she saw her wallet on my hand. So, she screams. That's when I started running. And I am still running. That girl who bumped into me? She is chasing me right now.

Downtown market. Full of people. Always crowded and this is what I do ever since as I grew up.

How did this happen?

Well, it all started when I was 8 years old.

Ever since I was born, I've never met my parents. I don't know them. Just a picture of me and a woman carrying me. I don't even know if she's my mother. Well, I've been looking for her since. When I reached the age of 4, I've been in so many foster cares, been in some families but what do you think I always do?

I run away from them.

Because why would I live with other families, knowing and hoping that my mother still exists. Those families were, I admit, they were all nice to me and a really wonderful families. But can you blame me? I don't feel like I belong to them. That's why I run away.

"Stop right there!"

Oh shit! I didn't know I was already cornered by this girl. And apparently, she's a cop. And my number one enemy.

Age 8, I've met this girl. Not this cop but another girl. She's just like me. A runner? Yeah. Let's say it that way. And she taught me everything about this thing. We are rogues. Not refugees but cops hate us also as much as we hate them. She takes care of me, until now that I'm already in my 24 years of age. She became my sister ever since.

"On your knees!"

The girl whom I've met, she is the number one, top of the list of Korea's Most Wanted.

"Throw me the wallet!"

Okay. Let's deal with this cop for now.

"Okay. Can we talk about this?"

"Throw me the wallet!"

"You see.. I'm just hungry. And I still am. I should've bought my lunch but you're chasing me. Don't you have any other people to arrest? Like.. the most wanted ones. They are stil— Throw me the fucking wallet!!"

"Okay. Damn. Chill."

So I threw the wallet to her like what she said. I can't move because she's pointing her gun to me.

"And I am not robber.. yet. Just a thief. Wait. Is there any difference between the two?" I scratched my head, thinking.

"Hands on the back of your head! Right now!"

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