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16years later.


"ilham are you not going to school today."my elder brother raheem ask puting on his NYSC jacket.

i'm not feeling fine i have only one lecture it's really not a big deal."i say typing on my phone.

"you look ok to me but its university shit happens there anyway."he say hiking his bag and pick his phone from the centre table i look up from my phone and smile at him.

what are you doing at home bakije school ba."my mum ask entering the parlour.

"i dont have any lectures today."i say and sit upright.

"lier!lier!! pants on fire usually you are home every wednesdays soo i guess you just want to relax whatever am in need of help in the daycare today so you will be useful."she ramble and sit on one of the sofa.

"mum let me get going."ya raheem say he lean down and kiss her forehead he do same to me then pick his car key and leave.

"take care and drive safe baby."my mum yell.

"what time are we going its 9:00am."i say glancing at the wall clock.

"11:00am i will just work on some of the clothes and we will leave."she say scrolling through her phone.

"mum about the work mana please just 3weeks i just want to get some cash please."i say pouting.

"no! no!!no!!! not my daycare but i can help you there is this my friend she is a caterer maybe you will work with her she pays pretty decent like 15 to 20k  i will talk to her to see if she can fixed you somewhere but my daycare its offlimit."she say with a shrug.

"but mum...ok fine talk to her thank you."i say before she changes her mind.

"good for you!
let me go and do some work be ready on time."she stand up and leave rambling about how she will love to finish the clothes she is working on today.

i lay on the sofa and relax you maybe wondering why i want to work well we're the Sani's family we are one big hustlers everyone work for there shit in this family thats how we were brought up.
     My dad is an igbira man from kogi state and my mum well she is from nasarawa state and belong to the Alago tribe/ethnic group i have two brothers ya Azan and ya raheem i'm the last born of the family my dad named me after my mum if not because the name its cool i do be pissed,
growing up my dad always persuade us on working hard, being independent and try to do something.
he hate laziness and lazy people my elder brothers are the definitiom of hardworking growing up they do all the crappy petty jobs like capentry,waiter,work in the gas station,teaching,plumbing etc anything that come there way my dad made them to pay for there tuition fees and shit once they are in the university according to him they are grown up adult,my dad is an architect and contractor he is the best in the state he retired from this big construction company at dubai,

Ya Azan is currently working with some construction company my dad connected him with in dubai when he graduated last two years,
Raheem work as the manager of a gas station during the daytime and as a bartender during the night he also work as my mum secretary at the daycare and currently doing his NYSC service as a doctor at one of the government hospital my smart ass elder is a genius brainiac like serious he is always studying can as well tag bookworm to his personality,
   my mum well she own this big daycare/preschool in the state, also doing a tailoring service and own an eatery around the university site in the state,
i work with my dad he took me to every site he is working i am like his PA or secretary i keep record of shits and how everything its going in the site its pretty difficult but with time i can now say am an expert he pays me 25k per month i dont mind since he still pay my school fees,i also work with this big mall in the state as a cashier the payment its pretty decent,
  uncle habib who is my dad elder brother hate how we work anytime he comes to visit will be like"is this how they treated you when you are growing up yasir"he says to my dad so anyday he visit we usually dont go anywhere much to my dad displeased,uncle habib has 3kids ya Amir and ya amira then ya khadijah they are all nice only that ya amir is a little bit temperemental and anty ammi his wife she is really cool i like her,
my mum well she has 2sisters anty salma and anty teemah then uncle salis.......my phone ring i pick it up and  scrunch my nose up when i see the name on the screen i clear my throat and answer it.


"take the phone to anty dee"his baritone raspy voice boom through the phone i jump on my foot and run down the basement stairs i burst through the door sprint to my mum who is siting on her working chair and hand her the phone.

"its ya Amir."i whisper and she nod then press the phone to her ear.

"sorry boo i left my phone in my room."she say smiling after some few minute of silience she then speak.

"ok no problem i will let him know dont worry its been a while you actually visit."she grin making me chuckle.

"ok till you come then."she say picking her scissors.

"alright bye,drive safe and take care."she remove the phone from her ear and hand it back to me.

"ok soo you will go and arrange the other appartment in the boys quaters for your brother
he is coming."she say excitedly.

"is he coming today."i ask in annoyance and she glare at me.

"ilham go arrange the apartment and dont make me angry this early morning."she say irritated i groan and leave the studio mumbling to myself.

my mum and ya Amir are like bestfriend the fact that my mum senior him with just 10yrs doesnt help either ohh did i mention that my mum married at the age of 15 so she is still pretty young she is 38yrs sometimes i get angry when people ask if am her junior sis the fact that my mum take soo much good care of herself doesnt help either she look like she is in her middle 20s my mum is very beautiful,
  my mum is the only one that sees the delightful side of ya Amir like hell the guy is always grouchy and grumpy unlocking the apartment i sigh its going to be a long morning i pick the broom well time for sanitation.

who is excited to see the grumpy Ya Amir.


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