The End

978 147 17


Staring at the small sleeping figure on the bed i sigh and clean the tears in my eyes, why did my baby has to go through all this i knew there's a possibility of one of my children to be a victim but why hanan, she is the smallest and have to be the one to go through such pain.

"Baby."I turn to see my husband by the door, i clean my tears and sigh.

"How is she doing?"he ask sitting on the bed next to me and hug me sideway.

"She's ok now."I say with a heavy breathe and my husband kiss my forehead.

"She will be fine, the doctor say as she is growing the attack will be less, she will be fine baby look at me now I can't even remember when last i had an attack."he say and i nod.

"I'm just...... I don't know but hanan is a girl, I know how you struggle through yours ya Amir, I just don't want hanan to suffer that way."I say as my husband use his fingers to clean my face.

"She will be fine."he say and hug me to his chest.

Abdallah is here with anty jasy."fazil say running into the room.

"Keep quiet.
You will wake hanan."I say and he run out of the room.

"Fazil loud personality,
The boy suppose to be jasra son and hafiz supposed to be my son."my husband say as we both head downstairs.

"Sobibi how is my inlaw doing?
Fazil just told me she had an attacked earlier."jasra say and i nod.

"Fazil how many times have i warned you about "gossip"."I say but the boy is too busy talking to hafiz to hear me.

"Where is Amani?"I ask and she roll her eyes.

"She's at home with her dad."she say.

"Baby let me go daddy has been calling me."my husband say and i nod engross in what jasra is telling me.

Yesterday i saw farhat."she say making my heartbeat accelerate.

"Where?"I ask and she laugh.

"Look at the way your mood change.
Calm down ya Amir is all yours and farhat is married, i saw her when i took basmah to the airport...hhmmmmm she is married to a Whiteman they even have one daughter."jasra say and I sigh in relief.

"I hope nothing in this life ever make us to collide again."i say and jasra laugh.

"Insha Allah.
I come to pick you let's go for amani birthday party shopping."she say and I nod.

"Yes i was about calling i thought the party wont hold anymore."I say and she sigh.

Amani will kill me with noise if the party doesn't hold."she say and i laugh.

"Time flys wlh."I say looking at the two little boys talking to themselves.

I can't even believe it's been 8years ."my bestfriend say with a smile.

"I'm just happy we're all happy."i say and she nod.

"I just want our kids to grow and I wishe one day hafiz will marry hanan it will be the best day of my life wlh."jasra say and i chuckle.

"Jasy just keep praying because some wishes are only granted in fairytales,we should just hope and pray they should grow to love each other because i dont think an arrange marriage or force marriage will ever have a happy ending, because honestly speaking i don't want us to presurize them into something they don't want."I say seriously and she roll her eyes.

" Sometimes things become possible if we want them soo bad enough, I don't think they won't love each other.come on sobibi we both want this."she say and i nod.

"I want it jasy but sometimes we've to indulge in the negetivity of every decision, what if hafiz grow up and he want to be with someone else or hanan decide to fall in love with another person, are we going to separate them from the person they love just to fulfill our dream, we won't jasy because we both know the importance of marrying the person we love."I say and my best friend been the most unserious person just laugh.

"Jasy when do you turn into "Denzel Washington" and start motivational speeches. Hah hafiz is marrying hanan they are perfect match for each other."she say and i smile.

"Mummy please why did you all call me hafiz i prefer my real name Abdallah, this hafiz is to cliche."the boy say and his mum just glare at him.

"Because your dad wants to name you Abdallah and me i want a hafiz Abdallah is too bored for my taste plus i want your wife name and yours to be match."jasra say and i look at her in bewilderment.

"Jasra this boy is too little to start discussing marriage with him."i spat but jasy been jasy just roll her eyes.

"Hafiz you will marry hanan when you grow. Right."she say but the boy laugh.

Hanan is a crying baby and she is my sister."he say laughing at something fazil whisper in his ear

"Jasy leave the boy joor, he is still young for this conversation, Hanan is just 3years there is alot of years before you discuss about this."I say and she nod.

"When are you going to lafia, it's been a while you visit anty soby."she ask and I nod.

"Next week.
Just waiting for them to finish there exams."I say and she nod.

"Maybe we will come with you soo we can both spend the the holiday there."she say and i nod.

One thing about having a bestfriend is that you never get tired of talking to each other and a happy family is thé key to a peaceful life with a peacefull life you never know how time flys and sorrounded by my family and friends i find all this.

Alhamdulilah and thanks for all your supports. I cant even believe i finish writing this in just 3months.

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I am #teamAmir.

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