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hey everyone please comment, say your opinion and dont be a ghostreader!

dedicating this page to
unique_maryambecause you think Amir is not a gentleman.


i was awaken by something poking into my nose i squint my eyes and see a blurry small figure, i use my hand and clean my face.

"Adyan! you're a dirty boy sticking your pinky into my nose."i say and he laugh showing his 4tooth before running out of the room.

i sigh and sit upright i pick my handbag from the bedside and groan, my phone i thought and start crying Allah ya'isa, ya Amir is the most wicked person i ever come across.

"lily! what happen you re crying."Anty zainab ask entering the room and sit on the edge of the bed.

"nothing!"i say and clean my face making her to chuckle.

"Amir brought you when you passed out!"she say and i look at her confused.

"which of the Amir?"i ask and she laugh.

"Amir your ya Amir!"she say nd i laugh.

"there will be a heavy rainfall today i guess that explain why the weather is gloomy."i say sarcastically and she laugh.

"uhmmm you like him koh!"Anty zainab say wiggling her brow and i laugh.

"God forbid wlh "koh maza sun kare a duniya"."i say and she chuckle.

"hah! soby tell me wlh i wont tell anyone, you like him see how you re blushing."she say and i groan.

"Anty zee please stop i can never love that wicked guy, he broke my phone on our way coming, he is always insulting me, Abeg Ya Amir is the last guy i will love, beside he is old the guy is 34."i say in annoyance and anty zee was busy laughing.

i leave the room grumbling curses,times like this i wishe anty zee isn't my anty she can be overdramatic sometimes, what will i do with a very temperamental guy, Ya Amir and love doesn't even fit in thesame sentence he will just die lonely maybe he will adopt a dog at 40 but seriously i dont think any girl will marry him perhaps if he change this his grumpy behaviour.

"ilham! what happen you re fuming like a cobra hope we're safe!"Anty salmah say entering the parlour.

"Nothing Anty i will go and greet
Anty ammi."i say and leave the apartment.

walking quietly to the apartment something hit me by the leg and i look down.

"Adyan why re you always running."i scold draging him by the ear.

"ke! why are you wicked this little boy you re bullying him, has anyone drag you by the ear since your arrival, if you dont stop pouting at me i will remove that your mouth."Ya Amir say standing by the kitchen backyard door.

i let go adyan who is busy laughing like the little monster he is and head to the kitchen door where ya Amir is standing and his maternal cousins are sitting outside the  porch whispering to themself.

"excuse me ya Amir i want to pass."i say and he glare at me but shift from the door.

entering the apartment i head to the parlour and anty ammi is sitted with her 3 sisters.

"goodafternoon anty!"i greet with a smile and they both answer with a warm smile.

"your grandmother is in the bedroom!"Anty ammi say and i nod excitedly before leaving the parlour.

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