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Let thé Amir come first "ai wannan rainin hankali ne "follow you to your home and throw hot water on you wlh she wont go free anywhwere she go to in this town i must find her, she thought she is wild toh wlh zata gane daga bariki nake."my sister say in her weird british accent.

"Soby is sturborn i told her she should not believe thé girl there is nothing like peace you two are going to share same husband you cant just trust the stupid girl "gashi yanzu ta barki da tafassashen jiki."jasra say as i whimper in pain when my mum dab the normal saline gauze on my wound.

"I am still confuse wlh
How did farhat come to this house and throw hot water on her "banganeba" is ilham sleeping."Anty salma say and jasra just snort.

"We were at thé garden james came and met us that ilham has a visitor.
We went to the parlour and is farhat.
Soby being thé gentle soul decided to listen to the stupid girl lieing to her saying she want them to make peace before thé marriage since they will be rival, i left them in thé parlour and went to my room because honestly speaking there conversation was annoying. I dont know how they ended up in kitchen and thé girl throw thé boiled water on her body. We came downstairs when we heard her scream but farhat left."jasra explain.

"Look at your body.
You should thank God thé clothe you were wearing was thick.
She could have burnt you to death this your stupid generousness will have to stop, farhat is your rival and you know very well you two were not in any good friendship even before this marriage arise b.........

"Sallamu'alaikum."the familiar voice say cuting Anty salmahs tirade making me to sigh in relief.

"Good thing you're here.
Look at my sister's body, your wife have the nerve to follow her home and did this to her, i assure you that i inteesar mustapha will avenge my sister."my sister say but ya amir just walk past her and stand by thé bed am laying on.

"Sorry my one.
How are you feeling."hé say calmly looking at me worriedly.

"How is she feeling?
Seriously Amir is that what you re asking ofcrse she is not feeling alright."my sister say clearly annoyed.

"Farhat did this to you right!."hé ask ignoring my sister sarcasm and i nod.

Hé just stare at me worriedly, i watch as he close his eyes painfully as my mum clean thé broken blisters on my lap making me to smile.

"Ilily babu kunya bà tsoron Allah kike irin wanan murmushi wa amir ga munan a tsaye(ilily you re not even shy smiling at Amir in our présence)."anty salmah say making me to hide my face on thé pillow basfully.

"Take this you should apply it later on the burns."my mum say throwing thé ointment on me.

"Please Amir you should speak to your fiancee, anything of this nature should not happen to my daughter again if not she wont like thé conséquences. I can overlook alot of disrespect but i cant watch my daughter been bullied."my mum say sternly as she pick her hand bag and leave thé room.

"Ilham becareful.
You ré not a small girl that you cant differentiate right from wrong.
You know what your mum is going through please Dont add up to her problèms, Amir you should also speak to your fiancee what she did is wrong and no parent will be happy to see there daughter in such condition."Anty salmah add and leave thé room.

Thé room become dead silient, i avert my gaze to my sister and she just shake her head and leave thé room as jasra to trail behind her.

I look at ya Amir who is now sitted on thé edge of thé bed as his fingers flying across his phone screen.
Making a lump to form in my throat.

Hé doesn't even care hé is pressing his phone while i am here suffering an excruciating pain on my body which his wife gavé to me.

"Can you excuse me?
I want to be alone."I say in annoyance and hé look up from his phone with a frown.

"I'm sor............

"You"re sorry!
That's what you always say ya Amir.
I am still having a second thought wether marrying you is thé right décision.
First you ditch me on our pré-wed photoshoot and now she did this to me but you'ré just casually sitting here pressing your phone, we've not yet marry and all this is happening i wonder what will happen when we marry. You dont care and seriously speaking my love for you is decreasing with each passing minute.
Please just leave i want to be alone."I say and hé just stare at me.

You thought i will let farhat go free after what she did to you?
I love you sabreen please dont ever think of leaving me. Please i cant imagine life without you in it my one."Hé say cleaning tears.

"But you are hurting me.
You re making me feel as if you want to be with farhat not me and it scares me."I say in between sob and hé frown.

"Ssssshhh is ok.
I will always be with you.
You re thé love of my life, i am marrying farhat to just make my mum dream come true, you do know you re thé one that encourage me to do so but if you dont want me to marry her i wont i promise you." Hé say staring at me.

"I love you."I say and hé smile.

"I love you more.
I Have this emergency to dealt with thats exactly why i was texting bilal about i will leave now but will come back immediately.
Is there anything you want me to buy for you while coming back?"hé ask with a smile and i shake my head.

"Nothing."I say with a smile.

"Ok rest my baby.
I will be back in a jiffy."Hé say and drop stand up.

Hé stare at my burnt skin one time before hé leave.

A part of me feel bad that hé didn't talked about farhat and how i got burn but honestly speaking ya Amir silience is more dangerous than his words sometimes because seriously i am scared for farhat but whatever décision hé will take it i am excited because my skin is hurting me bad.

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